Jin Zixuan x Wife! Reader x Jin Guangyao Part 3

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GIF by Misphobia on tenor

Following the heart-wrenching news that shattered the tranquility of their lives, the once vibrant world of y/n plunged into a somber abyss from which she could barely find respite. The passing of Jin Zixuan cast a shadow so profound that even sleep eluded her, the night becoming a canvas for her restless thoughts and sorrowful reflections. As the heaviness of grief settled upon her heart, the inevitability of funeral preparations loomed ahead, a daunting task that seemed to mirror the weight of her emotions.

In the midst of this overwhelming whirlpool of emotions, a figure emerged, both familiar and enigmatic. Jin Guangyao, a presence as complex as the tapestry of emotions entangling y/n, reached out with a modicum of empathy disguised beneath his inscrutable exterior. "A-y/n," his voice, like a gentle breeze, caressed her ears, "You must rest. For the sake of your own well-being, Jin Ling needs his mother."

"A-yao," y/n's voice trembled as she sought to articulate the anguish that clung to her heart, "why did he go so soon? He said that he will be back for jin-ling's one month celebration, he promised." Her gaze turned to the outside world, the panorama of life's ebbs and flows now starkly contrasted against the void left by Jin Zixuan's absence.

Jin Guangyao stood as a silent witness to her lament, a silent witness to a sorrow that transcended the realm of mere words. The question hung heavy in the air, demanding an explanation that was beyond his capacity to offer. The complexity of familial bonds, intertwined with unspoken truths and the weight of choices made, tied him into knots of indecision.

As y/n's tears flowed unabated, she found herself enveloped in the embrace of Jin Guangyao's arms. In this shared moment of vulnerability, the boundaries of their individual pains blurred, merging into a singular ache that resonated between them. He held her as she wept, offering a fragile solace that transcended their past entanglements. The warmth of his embrace was a paradox—a balm for her heartache, yet a reminder of the intricate web of connections that had brought them to this juncture.

Behind the layers of Jin Guangyao's own sorrow and guilt, a sliver of relief glimmered. The orchestration of his brother's untimely passing bore heavy on his conscience, a truth known only to him. Yet, amidst the tangled threads of his own emotions, the rekindling of his connection with y/n offered a fragile respite. In her tears, he glimpsed a ray of forgiveness, a fleeting hope that the pain he had caused might be assuaged by the genuine tenderness he held for her.

In the tender embrace of the moment, as the weight of weariness began to settle upon her, she found herself softly uttering, "Please don't ever leave me." The words escaped her lips like a fragile plea, carrying the echo of vulnerability that lay hidden within her heart's chambers.

Jin Guangyao, ever attuned to the nuances of her emotions, responded with a reassurance that carried both the weight of his commitment and the gentleness of his affection. "I don't plan to," he replied, his voice a soothing balm in the dimly lit room. As he carefully draped the covers over her form, a gesture that spoke of his protective nature, his lips descended to grace her forehead with a tender kiss.

In that fleeting instant, his careful plan came to fruition, an intricate weaving of moments and sentiments culminating in the fulfillment of his deepest desires. The touch of her skin against his fingertips, the warmth of her breath mingling with the air, all of it affirmed his cherished reality. He had, once again, enveloped y/n within the circle of his embrace.


As the years unfolded in the wake of Jin Zixuan's untimely departure from her life, y/n found herself traversing a complex emotional landscape. Time, that elusive master of healing, had woven its tapestry of experiences, growth, and change, leaving her heart marked by intricate patterns of transformation.

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