Chapter One

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I was at the outside , cold , forest not knowing where I was. but I didn't really care where I was or how much danger lies in this snowy forest. I ran to the cliff and I realized I no where near my home , in fact I was lost from a hundred miles or at least.... that's what I thought. When I realized this , I became happy as hell "finally!" I said In my head "no more pain, no more torcher..." I was finally free! But that moment didn't last for long.... I heard foot steps I froze dead. The foot steps got louder... I was scared deep inside. The foot steps got louder and faster... As soon as I know it I start running I was running as fast as I can and the foot steps behind me were getting closer and closer... I ran out of breath. Terrified , I hide where I thought nobody will find me. The foot steps were gone five seconds after I was calmed down some one taps my shoulder... I looked behind me and I see Kira and I was shocked... Kira had an evil smile on her face and she held something in her hand... I couldn't make out what it was though. "No" I thought "no!" "This can't be happening!!!!" "I'm stuck here!" "Kira!" I said. "What has gotten into you!" Kira didn't answer but she walked up to me and stabbed me in the chest. My vision went blurry , and I was feeling so much pain... I started to lose the color in my silver-blue eyes. I fell to the floor... Dying. I could barely breath. I passed out and took my last breath and then..... Darkness. I died. I woke up.

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