Chapter Twenty Four

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I was pissed. I tried to escape but the ropes held me like handcuffs. That frustrated me. I got soo angry that I broke the ropes with wrist force. But I wish I didn't do that. Cause my hands hurt like hell and the nerves in my hands were squished. I had 2 huge red marks on each hand and what was worse, my head. My head looks like a freaken rock hit right smack in the middle. It looked horrible. I was determed to see tylee like I promised her. I didn't care what my dad said, I'm going anyway. I didn't want tylee to worry about me soo I took a bandana that Jason gave me on my 14th birthday and tied it to my forehead. I screamed in pain wile I put it on. It hurt like hell. And I knew I broke my skull. "Lol. I feel like I'm Jason" I thought. I grabed my phone and texted tylee: "I'll be there soon. Sorry if I took to long." Then I put my phone in my tote bag and jumped out the window. I walked to tylee's house calmly. "We were dating" I thought. "I'm know I'm ready. I've got to make this work. Today I'm gona try to have our first kiss. I'm really close to tylee now. I have to do this weather I like it or not. I just hope she's thinking the same thing." I was worried about what was gona happen. And I was nervous too. I loved tylee, and she meant the world to me. I didn't think I would live without her. "I'm not gona try anymore" I thought "this time I'm gona do it, for tylee....."

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