Chapter Seven

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*Clyde POV* (Tyler's dad)
I finally killed him. I said looking at his dead body. "He will never know" "how sad" but then I saw Kira with tears in her eyes. Before she saw though I made it look like a killing that someone else did. I grabbed her and quickly went in the car. We drove miles from our home and I hid with Kira. I was happy of my work. "It's not like anyone will know or care" I said pleased. I tried to calm Kira down, but she wouldn't get over it "ridiculous" I thought "ridiculous"

*Link POV*
I got a text from Kira saying "Tyler is dead." I was shocked and texted tylee and Carolina. He was my friend. I felt horrible. I desperately ran to Tyler's house. I went upstairs and found blood everywhere. And I found Tyler on the floor....... Dead. I was speechless. I called 911. I didn't sleep that night.

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