Chapter Three

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For a week I was restless. I had so much on my mind I didn't sleep at all, not even one hour. I had a huge fight with Carolina. Me and her were both super pissed off of each other. We made up after a week but we broke up. I heard that tylee and link broke up too. But ever since we broke up Carolina has feelings for link. And I had feelings for tylee. But I thought my big crush on tylee was a stupid thing. "Wow Tyler" I thought "you really like tylee?" "Ha" " Tylee will never like you back" "your just a big idiot" this made me worry. Worry that tylee doesn't like me. And I was also worried about my dad. If I start dating tylee and my dad knows about it I'm dead , and so is tylee. But that didn't stop me from liking her. I worried about her dealing with her dad. I wanted to comfort her, I don't like it when she's sad. So I tried to comfort her the best I can. When I try, she's almost emotionless. But something tells me, deep inside me that something is still bothering her. I wanted to help, but I know she doesn't want to talk to me about it or...... That's what I think. Tylee's problems are my problems. That's my thing. After thinking about this, i felt ready , but inside me I was not. For now I hid my feelings. I went to bed and I finally slept in a long , long time.

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