Chapter Forty

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Today is the day I ask out tylee. I was nervose. I had a box with a very special ring. I went in the bathroom and combed my hair. I got changed. I looked out the window and took deep breaths. "It's time" I thought. I went out to tylee's house. We were hanging out again today, but today is gona be diffrent. Today I will ask her out. And I was excited for this moment.

*Later that day*
Me and tylee were talking. And I looked at her bright eyes. "Nows my chance" I thought. "Hey tylee" I said. "Yes" she said. I pulled out a box with a gold and silver ring. It had a picture of a dragon on it. "will you Mary me?" I asked a bit excited. Her face exploded with happiness. "Yes!" She said. We were both very excited. We told her dad and he was happy too. In a week, our wedding day will begin. And I felt as if the best day of my life just happened.

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