Chapter Thirty Two

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I woke up frightened to death. I looked around me to make sure it was all gone. It was, so I calmed down. I walked to school. "Yay an invitation to hell once again" I thought. math class was boring as hell. "*yawn* do we have......too-" my sentence was cut off cause I fell asleep. I felt paper going in my hair and I heard John laughing. I also herd tylee yelling at John. I was only asleep for 5 minutes until the teacher called me. "Tyler!" She said. "Gah! Huh! What!" I said shocked. John started to laugh harder. That pissed me off. "Well Clark. Show the class how to do this problem" the teacher said. "Uhhhhhh....." I said stupidly. My face turned red. I got nervose. "Well?" Said the teacher. I just stood there like an idiot. "Great Tyler, you did another stupid thing today. Great job" I said to myself.

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