Chapter Twenty Nine

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*kira POV*
I woke up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I walked in, I saw Tyler on the floor lying next to the toiled barely awake. Blood was dripping from his mouth and he was breathing heavily. "Tyler?!" I said despretly "what happend to you?! How long were you in there?!" "Ugh I've been in here too long and I can't explain Kira, but I'm fine......totally fine" he said with an almost gone voice.

*tyler POV*
I walked out of the bathroom and changed. Then I texted tylee all morning. She didn't seem to notice about yesterday, soo that clamed me down. I never told her about my voice. In the after noon I went to the park. I saw tylee there with other group members. "Hey Tyler" she said. I opened my mouth but no words came out. So I just frowned at tylee and pointed to my mouth and hoped she would understand me.

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