Chapter Two

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............................ "ugh..." I said opening my eyes I was in my room and I was on the floor, upside down next to my bed. my pillows were next to the door. My blanket and my bed covers was all in a heap on my bed. I got up, and I only knew one thing: everything hurts. I felt like having a panic attack. Later, I hung out with my girl friend , Carolina. She was with her friends Tylee and link. "Hey Tyler" said Carolina smiling at me. "Hey" I mumbled with a tired expression on my face. "Are you ok?" Asked Carolina "you look pale" "Mmmmmm......... Meh. I'm fine I guess." I said "hey guys" said link "did you here about What happened to cla... Before he finished his sentence Tylee's mentally retarded brother John came out of nowhere "TYLEE" he yelled "I NEED DOUGNUTS" link rolled his eyes. "John you better shut your mouth before I KILL you." Said tylee. "What dose shut your mouth mean?" Said John stupidly. "It means not talking you idiot" I said "what dose not talking mean?" "Not moving your mouth" said Carolina "what dose not moving your mouth mean?" "OMFG John it means your mouth is still" said link "what dose your mouth is still mean?" Tylee got up and slapped John in the face "that's what it means" she said John started to cry and ran away. "What were you gonna say again link?" Said Carolina "never mind that" link said "I have to get going See ya guys" he said walking away *sigh* " when will John ever learn?" Said tylee and she went to go deal with her stupid brother. "We'll see you tomorrow" I said in a weird way. "See ya" Carolina said. I left.

*Carolina POV*
the way his tone and face makes him look like something's troubling him. I new something was wrong with him. Wile I'm walking home I think about his dad and how scary he is. "I'm soo glad I don't have that kind of dad!" I thought

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