Chapter Twenty

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I text tylee in the out of control car. I tried to sound like I was calm the best I can. Link rolled his eyes. John was shakeing like crazy, determined to get untapped. I my phone in my pocket. "Tyler! We're gona crash!" Link yelled. I a dozens of cars in front of us about to crash into my car. I panicked like crazy. John just cheered happily. *BOOM* a huge explosion came. I opened my eyes thinking I got hurt again. But I realized I was fine. There were a lot of people dead. I looked around. I saw John dead on the floor. I smiled. And texted tylee that John was dead. "Wait..." I said. "Link!" I yelled looking for him. I found him almost dead. He got up. His leg was broken but he still got up. "Are you ok?!" I said. "I'm fine he said" but the look on his face, his low tone and his heavy breathing tells me he's not fine. We saw the cops come. "Put your hands up!" They said. We did. Me and link were handcuffed even through we didn't do a crime. "It's over" I thought. "With out witnesses and evidence it's over. And I bet tylee hates me now" I worried about her. And I realized this was being put on the news. "When she hears this, she's gona kill me" I thought. I was afraid of what's gona happen next. I was mad at John. He was the real one who caused this to happen. I just sat in the cops car, helpless. I wish tylee was with me. I really worried about her.

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