Chapter Eighteen

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I opened my eyes slowly, wondering where I am. I look around and see that I'm in car. Then I look to see three people in the car. I think it looked like link, skyler and starlight. I saw link looking at me with a very strange face I've never seen him put before. "Lol his face is very expressive" I thought. "Hey ty" he said softy "are you ok?!" "How did you get there?!" "Well.... I ran from home" "oh" he just said. "Whoa" I said "how did u get this big van?" I asked. His eyes widen and he looked nervous. "Eh he..... We just found it yup!" He said fastly. I put a face. "Link do you even know how to drive?" "Um...yeah! I totally know!" He said "hmmm" I said. "Tyler!" Link said desperately. I put a dirty look. "This is gona be hilarious!" I thought. But I lost thought when starlight threw a ball at my face.

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