Chapter Twenty Two

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I woke up siting on a chair in my house. I was very confused. "Um? How did I get here?!" I said perplexed. And then I noticed that my voice sounded different. I looked in the mirror and I was shocked. I was an adult, that same adult in that last dream I had. "Ugh another dream" I thought. I relized this was MY home, and I wasn't living with my dad or Kira anymore. "What?! What's going on?!" I said very confused. Some one knocked on the door. I went and opened it and saw five grown men. "Who are you!" I asked desperately. "You forgot?" Said one of them. "Wow. You really did lost your memory." "UHG I JUST DONT GET IT GUYS WHATS GOING ON?!" I yelled starting to get angry. One of them stepped in front of me and looked at me closely. He looked like someone, ocean blue eyes, light blonde hair.... "Link?!" I said surprised. He looked soo different as an adult. He was very fit, as if he were trying to body build his, well, his body. "Yes. I'm also with Jason,John, zack and Shawn." He said in a very different voice. "You passed out three months after your wedding" "wedding?!" I said shocked. "I got married! Who did I get married with?!" "Well ty Ty of course!" Said John stupidly. "TYLEE!!!!!" I thought. "Wait where is she?!" I asked. "In the hospital" link said. "You and her are having a baby" "WHAT!!!!!" I said crazily. "But um there's something we should tell you" link said worried. "What?! Tell me!" I said desperately. "Tylee got sick during the baby birth, and, well the baby was saved, but tylee died when it was born" link said in a low tone. I was speechless. I woke up.

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