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     Sebastian got down from the carriage, helped Ciel out of the carriage, and into the house. He then came back and held a hand out to you. "Shall we go inside, my lady?" You hesitated, took his hand, and he pulled you down into his arms bridal style. You blushed and he looked at you. "Do you have a fever, my lady?" You quickly turned the other way. "I'm fine." You said sternly. He set you down on your feet and you followed him inside the mansion which you thought looked like a castle out of a fairy tale. You stopped and thought about running away. 'If I'm quiet enough-' "If your thinking about running, I wouldn't if I were you." Sebastian said interrupting your thoughts. "Well, I wasn't. So you don't have to worry." You snapped back. Sebastian opened the door and You saw Ciel sitting at his desk with an annoyed look on his face. "Sit." He commanded. Not wanting to be hurt you immediately sat in a chair across from the desk. Sebastian walked over to Ciel and whispered something into his ear. Ciel glanced at you. "I hear that you currently have no place to live and have no family. Is that correct?"  you hesitated. "Yes. That's correct." You confirmed trying to shake the memories out of your head. "So. Do you want to answer my question now?"  Ciel asked expecting an answer. "Yes..." You replied shakily. "I-I tried to take your cane because if I sold it...I would have enough money so I could eat for the week..." You could feel Ciel and Sebastian starring at you. "Why didn't you just ask?" Ciel asked you and you looked up surprised. "I....I guess I never thought of that..." Thunder crashed nearby and you jumped. Sebastian looked out the window. "It's getting late. Sebastian, give her some money and send her on her way." Ciel said standing and starting to walk out. "Young master, It's raining out. You wouldn't let lady (F/n) stay out in this weather now would you?" Sebastian asked smirking. "Fine." Ciel sighed. "You can stay here till the weather lets up. Then you can leave." he said walking out. Sebastian turned to you. "If you'll kindly wait here, I shall be back to get you. I must go put the Young master to bed." Sebastian said as he walked out. After about 3 minutes you stood up and walked over the window. Just before you got to it, the window blew open getting you all cold and wet. Sebastian walked back into the room. "Lady (F/n)!" Sebastian shut the window and turned to you. "I-It blew o-open." You said shivering. Sebastian put a towel around your shoulders. "Lets get you out of those clothes" he said, leading to your room. He opened the door and you both walked in. You looked around the room. Everything including the bed sheets were a very nice shade of purple. "Shall we?" Sebastian said as you automatically froze when you heard the door shut and lock behind you... 

Thanks for reading! I hope you like this chapter!!!! <3 Don't forget to comment, <3 and/or follow me!

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