It's Been So Long

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*(F/n)'s POV*
   Yuki wheeled you up the stairs and into the office. Sebastian dropped to his knees in front of you. "(F/n)." He said, tears streaking his slender face. Ciel walked over behind Sebastian and asked you, "Why are you in a wheel chair?" You opened your mouth to speak but Yuki beat you to it. "When she split into two people her energy split with her. For some reason only two thirds of her energy returned to her. We're not exactly sure why but we're looking into it." She answered, touching your shoulder. You stood up, with Yuki's help and got Sebastian to his feet. "I'm still (F/n)." You said, looking into his eyes. He smiled through his tears and rubbed his hand on your cheek. "My (F/n)." he said, not noticing that Ciel and Yuki had left the room to give you some privacy. You smiled back at him. "My Sebastian." You said back to him. Sebastian bent down and kissed you fervently. You made out with him for about a minute then pulled away from him, faltering. He helped you back into your wheel chair and he sat on his knees with his head in your lap. "I've missed you so much... I can't believe we were apart for three months..." He said. You ran your hand through his hair. "I know." You said, kissing his head. "Hey, do you think that Ciel would mind if Yuki became a servant and I stayed here? Yuki's apartment is a little small for the two of us." He sat up. "I don't think it would be a problem." He said, standing. Ciel peeked in the door to make sure you were finished then entered. "I don't mind if you stayed here. I rather enjoy your company." He said, smiling. You looked back at Sebastian and grinned. He smiled back at you and hugged you. "So wait," Ciel turned to Yuki. "Why did Claude try to blow us up? exactly?" He asked, his arms crossed. "It was all part of the plan to keep her hidden. If she would've continued living normally she would've been found eventually. "Yuki replied, "We all had a meeting about three months ago and decided that the best thing was to fake her death. So we devised a plan and got her out in time." She cleared her throat. " Claude and Alois, however...."She glanced at you. "weren't so lucky..." She said, looking at the ground for a moment. "But (F/n)'s still alive." she said, smiling and standing tall. You carefully, and with some trouble, stood up and made your way over to Ciel. "I just want to apologize for not informing you about it." You faced Sebastian. "You too." He walked over to you. "It's alright. I'm just glad your safe." Ciel touched your arm lightly. "Me too." You smiled and hugged Ciel. "Thank you, Ciel. For giving me a family." You said, stepping back and looking at the three of them. 'My new family...'

Thanks for reading! The next chapter will just be an explanation chapter! :P I'm sorry if there are many mistakes! I didn't get to proof-read it because I've been busy! Don't forget to comment, <3, or follow me!

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