Bullets can Kill (continued)

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   Sebastian wiped some blood off of your lip. "Did you tell him?" You shook your head. "No..." You looked up at him. "I'm scared, Sebastian! What if he throws me out? What if I start to get hungry for souls and try to eat him?! What if-" Sebastian leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. Tears streamed down your face. He wrapped his arms around you and you did the same. "Hey," Sebastian said, "I know my young master, and he would never throw you out. No matter what. Besides," He said with a grin. "Even if he did, I could persuade him." You put your head against his chest. "Okay..." Sebastian picked you up and took you back to your room and gently laid you down in the bed. "Do you need anything? I could get you some tea or-" You put a finger to his lips. "Don't talk... For once, let's just embrace the silence." You said.
You looked into each other's eyes for a while until You couldn't stand the space between you being there anymore. You pulled Sebastian closer and started to kiss him. Your lips parted ever so slightly so that his tongue could enter your mouth. You pulled his tie off and then pulled him onto the bed. He hovered over you, still kissing you hungrily. You pulled away from him to breathe. "Is this... the continuation of this morning?" He smiled. "Happy Birthday, (F/n)"

Thanks for reading this sorry excuse of a chapter! I realize this is SUCH a SHORT chapter but I hope you enjoyed it!! Thanks again for reading! Don't forget to comment, <3 and/or follow me!

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