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(Ciel's POV) 
    "Oh, Bassy!" Grell tackled Sebastian as we were waiting for (F/n). Sebastian grabbed him by the throat. "Where's (F/n), Grell?" He asked angrily. "Who?" Sebastian slammed him into a nearby tree. "You know damn well who she is. I'll ask you once more. Where. Is. (F/n)." Grell coughed. "I honestly have no idea who you're talking about! I just finished collecting the soul of some guy named Paul!" Sebastian growled. "Wait, did you say (F/n)?" he asked flipping through his book. "(F/n) (L/n) scheduled to die at 6 am this morning." "About 4 hours from now!" I said. Sebastian turned back to Grell. "So you haven't seen this girl?" He said pulling a picture out of his pocket. I looked at it as well. "You took a picture of her while she was sleeping?!" I said, my face turning a little red. He shrugged, "She's cute when she's sleeping." Grell crossed his arms and pouted. "No. And even if I did I would keep her away from you!" Sebastian carefully folded the photo and slipped it back into his pocket. "Let's go to the alley to see if we can't find any other clues." I said, spinning on my heel. 
*3 1/2 hours till death*
I sighed, standing up. "No clues on the body." "Nothing on this roof." Grell called. Sebastian landed on the ground. "Nothing on the other roof." I turned and something sparkled in the corner of my eye. I walked over and picked up a gold ring. I threw the ring at Sebastian as hard as I could but he easily caught it. I stormed away. "He's always got to make trouble, hasn't he?!" I said. Sebastian looked at the ring. It was gold with the Trancy seal on it. Sebastian picked me up and turned to Grell. "Are you coming?" Grell smiled and pulled out his camera. "I'd be happy to!!"
(Sebastian's POV)
   Just as I started walking I noticed something on the ground so I picked it up. It was her bracelet that I gave her for her birthday. 'I'm coming for you. just hold on.'
*3 hours till death*
(Ciel's POV)
We made it to the Trancy manor and burst in the door. (F/n) was chained to the door leading to the kitchen. Alois was eating at the other end of the table and Claude was sitting by her. Everyone but (F/n) had food in front of them. "Alois!" I yelled. "Ah, Ciel!" He stood up. "Thank you for coming! won't you join us?" he said, motioning to the table. He sat back down. "I would never eat with scum like-" "Careful what you say." Claude interrupted. He had a knife in his hand. I cautiously sat in a chair in the middle of the long table. Alois smiled, "Sebastian, Grell Sutcliff, you may sit as well." Sebastian sat next tome and Grell sat across from us with his camera on the table. "Would you kindly get them some food?" Alois asked, smiling at her. (F/n) stood up, visibly shaking, and walked into the kitchen. She came out 3 minutes later with 3 plates of food. "What is the meaning of this, Alois?!" I said, standing. "Master," Sebastian said. I looked at Claude who had his hand back, ready to throw his knife. I sat back down as she set a plate of food in front of me. "P-Please enjoy." She said, bowing. She sat back down as Sebastian took a bit of my food. "It's not poisoned." He said. Grell looked up from his plate which was half clean. "It's delicious!" He said. Alois smiled. "I'm glad you like it." Claude turned to (F/n). "Now, down to business."

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