From Ashes to Tears

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(Ciel's POV)
   I stepped over the rubble where the door once stood as the fire trucks drove away. I looked around the ashes and picked up a necklace. The necklace was a small glass bulb with a tiny rose inside of it. The necklace that I gave to her before the costume ball.
(Sebastian's POV)
   I stood in front of the manor, staring at the smoldering ashes. I dropped to my knees and something dug into my knee cap. I looked underneath my knee on the grass and picked up a bracelet. The bracelet I gave to her on her birthday. 'Why... Why would you choose this? Why would you let this happen? You could've easily gotten out!'
(Flashback Ciel's POV)
   The manor exploded into flames. Sebastian dropped the other (F/n) on the ground. "(F/N)!!!!!!!" He screamed, starting to run to the manor. I quickly jumped up and grabbed his arm. Normally he would be strong enough to break free. He was shaking and he was barely pulling. "LET ME GO!! I NEED TO SAVE HER!!!" "Sebastian! There's no way she's still alive!" He turned around to look at me. Tears were flowing from his eyes. A woman's scream erupted from the manor. Sebastian turned to run to it. "She's gone..." Grell said, looking at his watch. "It's 6:00...." Sebastian dropped to his knees and let out a howling sob. "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(Now Ciel's POV)
   I cleared my throat.  "I just hope....t-that it was over quickly." Sebastian said, kicking a picture frame aside. I just nodded silently looking at the rubble. "I know that Alois and Claude died as well," He said, "good riddance." I reached down to pick up the chain that was on her foot but it was still burning hot from the fire. I quickly pulled my hand away and Sebastian hurried over to me, taking my hand. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "Yeah. Just a little hot." Sebastian looked at his pocket watch. "We better go... We'll be late..."
(Back at the mansion Seb.'s POV)
   "Would you like to say a few words, Sebastian?" The young master asked. I had never spoken at a funeral before so I wrote a speech that I pulled out of my pocket, walking up to the podium. I sniffed. "(F/n)... was a wonderful person. When we first met, she was trying to steal my master's cane. But soon, we all became good friends..." Tears fell onto the page. 'I need to finish this quickly...' I sniffed and cleared my throat. "I-I'm sorry." I blew my nose with a tissue. "Even though she had a terrible upbringing, she could always find a way to smile... I will miss it for the rest of my life. I will never forget you, (F/n)...." I sat back down and then they opened her casket for people to pay their last respects as they walked outside to the graveyard. I was last with my young master. "I'm so sorry that I let this happen..." I said, touching her cheek. Her skin was pale and cold but she still looked beautiful and was still smiling. I pulled a white rose out of my pocket and slipped it into her hands. I kissed her cheek. "I love you.... I will always love you... Goodbye..."

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