After Story: Halloween Special

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This is a Song Story. What that means, is that I took a song, and made a story to go along with it. If the text is colored and italics, then it is a song lyric. If it is colored, italics and in quotation marks, then the lyric was said in the story.
(What it looks like in the text)
"I'm coming home." I'm coming home. Tell the world, I'm coming home.

"Really?!" She asked excitedly, "When are you getting back?"
(What it looks like in normal story)
"I'm coming home"
"Really?!" She asked excitedly, "When are you getting back?"

And now, on to the story! ^-^

I walked into Ciel's office to find Sebastian helping Ciel put his coat on. I gave them a confused look. "Where are you going?"
"The queen has asked me to solve another case for her." Ciel answered, taking his cane from his father/butler.
I pouted a little. "I was looking forward to a Halloween celebration with you two..." I perked up a little. "I guess a man hunt will be exciting enough for Halloween!"
Both Ciel and Sebastian shook their heads and said, "You're not coming with."
I took a step back, acting hurt. "But... why not?"
"It may be too dangerous for you, my love." Sebastian informed me, gracefully walking over and taking my hands in his.
I looked down at the floor, sadly. "Fine...." I smiled widely and looked back up at them. "I'll set everything up for a party while you're gone!"
Ciel was about to refuse, but Sebastian smiled. "That would be lovely. Now," He said, turning to Ciel, "We must be on our way."

"The children were kidnapped by a circus group?"
Ciel was sitting across from Sebastian in the carriage, discussing the case as they rode to the site where the circus was being held.
"Yes. The circus was in the same town as each of the kidnappings." Sebastian replied.
Ciel nodded as the carriage slowed to a stop. "Alright. Let's get this over with."

*Small Time Skip*
"Boys and Girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange?"

That's what the ring leader asked the crowd. Ciel was sitting by Sebastian with his arms crossed. The queen had asked him to check out this circus which had been at the scene of the past few disappearances. It was called Halloween, because, of course, it was October 31st. Ciel yawned. "This show has been nothing short of boring. Is it almost over?" He whispered to Sebastian. The ring leader held out his hand, the lights dimming just a little. The curtain in the back opened up to nothing but blackness.
"This is a special treat for all of the younger children." The man motioned for them to come down into the ring.

"Come with us and you will see, this odd town of Halloween."

All of the kids got up and went out onto the stage. Ciel nodded to Sebastian, who nodded in return and stood with him. They followed the kids into the dark and the curtains closed behind them.

"This is Halloween." This is Halloween. Pumpkins scream in the dead of night.

As the ring leader spoke, candles flickered to life and a few pumpkin guards were standing by the edges of the room. (Reference: ) Ciel walked over to one of the pumpkin guards with Sebastian right behind him. The boy looked into the pumpkin's dead black eyes. He squinted a little when he thought he saw something. Just then, all of the pumpkin guards grabbed their heads where their ears would be, and started screaming. Loud. Ciel jumped back a little and Sebastian stepped in front of the boy.

This is Halloween. Everybody make a scene.

The little children covered their ears and started screaming and running around, trying to get away from the pumpkins. One taller child bumped into Ciel, causing him to fall onto Sebastian, who steadied the boy. "Sebastian! Put an end to this!" Ciel shouted, over the other kids. Sebastian nodded, and without being seen, threw a silver knife into each of the pumpkin's heads, ceasing their screaming.

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