Chapter 15 / 2nd day in the cave/

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Nash POV

I wake up and I glance at Krystal she had cuts on her cheek. I was so pissed at the wolf pack with them creating new rules.

Krystal was still passed out since yesterday. she used to much of her power to protect me. I don't want her to protect me I'm suppose to protect her.

The wolf pack walks in. I look at them and Shawn and Carter unchain me.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked

"We're separating you from her" Mathew said with his arms crossed.

Carter was holding my hands on my back walking me to the other side of the cave. I hit carter in his stomach and I take my chance and escape.

"I'll come back for you Krystal" I whispered to myself as I ran away.

I got to Krystal's house. I knocked on the door. Ella opens the door and hugs me. "where have you been we've been looking for you and Krystal" Ella said worried "uh where is Krystal at?"

"The wolf pack have her captured in a cave" I said walking in the house "I know exactly where they're at, we need a plan on getting Krystal out of there"

"I'll call jack and tell him you're here and we need a plan pronto" Ella said getting her phone out " he's great with plans."


Krystal's POV

I'm in the cave and I noticed Nash wasn't with me anymore. What did they do to him. Matthew walks in.

"Where's Nash?" I asked angrily

"Oh yeah he left you" Matthew said smirking " he decided to run away without you.... awe how sad" Matthew started laughing and left a plate with food and walked out.

Nash left me w-what I don't believe him I thought he would never do that to me just like he said before... I know he'll come back for me.. If he doesn't it's over.

Shawn walks in with a cup of water.

"Here have some water" Shawn said handing the water to me.
I don't take the water and I also didn't say anything to him. Shawn places the water in the ground next to the food I haven't touched. Shawn sits next me looking at the wall in front of us.

"Why are you like this" I said with a tear running down my cut cheek " I know that's not really you,deep inside you actually cares and is actually sweat,kind, and loving"

Shawn looked at me. He got up and stood in front of me. He stares at me for a while then suddenly she moves fast towards me and kisses me on the lips. I tried pushing him off of me but me was to strong.

"Shawn....stop.....please" I said as tried pushing him off of me. Shawn stops kissing me and stares at me for a good time. he smiles and puts his hand on my shoulder. I was crying I didn't like this at all.
He grabs my shirt from the shoulder and pulls it down.

"Shawn no please don't do this I beg you" I said scared. Shawn smirks and continues on trying to take my shirt off. But before he got a chance to see my bra the door swings open and in comes Matthew and Shawn's backs away fast.

"Shawn we need you NOW!" Matthew shouted at Shawn.
Shawn and Matthew walked away leaving me alone.

I wanted to be left alone after all. I can't believe Shawn was about to... You know. I was scared now I wanted to get out of here. I need to find a way to get out of here.
I was thinking to much and I scratched my cheek. "AHHH" I screamed in pain. I had forgotten I had cuts on my cheek.

I had also forgotten that I was a witch and that I had powers since I barley use them. I focus on the chains and do a magical spell. the chain breaks apart. yes I did it I'm free now I have to find a way out of here. I get up then suddenly the door open I quickly sit back down and hide the broken chains behind me.

" I'm sorry about earlier I don't know what was wrong with me I guess I just really like you" Shawn said then sighed

"It's okay but don't every get near me" I said with fear in my voice "I'm sleepy could you let me sleep"

"Yeah if you need anything just shout my name" Shawn said smiling.

Shawn walks out and shuts the door. He's different from the other guys. And the way he said sorry actually almost made me believe him..

I wait a while then I take the chains off of me and I walk towards the door.
I quietly open the wooden door and I tip toed my way out.

I walked with my back against the wall. I peek to the side to see if anyone is there. I see my way out.
I was close to my way out.
I start running and out the cave I go.

Im now in a forest I run as fast as I can and all I see is just trees no streets or cars.

I was walking now and I heard a branch snap behind me. I freak out and I start running again. I could hear him start to run.

"Oh no I'm fucked" I whispered as I hide behind a tree.

"Krystal stop running it's just me Nash" I heard his voice call from distance

I peek over the tree to make sure it's really him.

"Oh my gosh Nash you're here" I said running towards him "I thought I was gonna die"

I give Nash a hug. he rests his chin on my head.

"Let's get out of here before they notice you're gone" Nash said grabbing my hand. Nash and I run our way out of the forest.

We made it to my house. Nash knocked on the door.
Ella and jack walk out fast and shut the door. "what's going on?" I asked and they started running. Nash mentions me to run as well. I do as told. As I'm running I'm still trying to figure out why we're running.

"we've found a place where all four of us can stay at" jack said
"Since you escaped one of the most powerful werewolf's,they will come look for us and the house is the first place they will look" Ella said as we went inside a house that was far away from ours.

I looked around at the house and all my clothes were here.

"We can't keep on hiding from them they will find us" I said as I looked around

"We know but for now we know you two are save" jack said looking through an old book

"What is that?" I asked jack

"It's my grandfathers old diary" jack said flipping a page

"What's it about?" Ella asked before I could

"My grandfather was a vampire hunter and he wrote everything about them and what happen back then" jack said as he continued reading.

I looked around and the place was small it only had two bedrooms,a living room, small kitchen,
And a small restroom. hopefully we don't get to stay here all our live.

I tried to find a window to see how dark it was but I couldn't find a window.

"Nash where is a window at?" I asked confused

"There is no windows we don't want the wolf pack to know we're here" Nash said as he got in bed.
I laid next to him in bed and we both stared at the ceiling.

"You know they would suspect something on this house since it's in the middle of nowhere and it has no windows" I said as I put my hand around Nash

"They won't" Nash said smiling at me "now you better get some sleep"

"I am really tried" I said with a small yawn "good night Nash"

"Good night cutie" Nash said as he kissed my forehead. I laid my head on Nash chest and fell asleep.

Running from the wolf pack what could happen 😱
I hope you guys liked this chapter if you did vote!!
Sorry I didn't get to update yesterday I was busy 😁

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