Chapter 27 -back to school-

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Krystal's POV•

I step out the car. I walk inside the school building. As Nash and I enter all eyes are on us. I knew this was going to happen. I start walking to my locker where I had left my schedule. it's weird that I still remember my password. as I open my locker the girls around me start whispering.

I get my schedule and shut my locker door. One of the girls that was probably gossiping came over to me.

"What where you and Nash doing all those days you two where gone" she said with a preppy voice

I ignore her and just walked to my first class. Art. probably the only class I actually enjoy going too.

As I walked in I heard the teacher say "we'll look who came back"
I have completely forgotten everyone's name. I guess I'm a new girl again.

I sat next to a guy. of course I had to sit next to a guy none of the girls wanted me near them. I wonder why they hate me so much. I looked at the guy I sat next to and started talking "why do the girls hate me?"

He took a while to answer.

"They said you stole Nash from them"

"Them? What do they mean" I asked

"Well that group of girls that hate you liked Nash and so you two ditched together and that's when they started hating you"

"Well stupid"

"It sure is" he said with a small chuckle "oh and I'm Jc Caylen"

"Im Krystal" I said smiling

"Well welcome back to prison" Jc said smiling. I giggle. it's true. school is like prison.

I look at the art teacher teaching us how to draw a perfect circle.
I get a white paper and start doing whatever the teacher is doing.

It was pretty easy. I look at Jc's circle and it's all messed up. I giggle at how funny his circle is. He should've used spongebob's skills on that circle

"Hey don't laugh art isn't my thing" He said trying not to smile

"Oh I'm so sorry" I said sarcastically

"That's what I thought" Jc said smiling.

He had such perfect teeth and really puffy hair. He kinda looked like he could easily become famous for his looks and how hilarious he is. I just met the guy and he cracks me up.

The bell finally rings and everyone runs out the door. Why do they all run out of class so fast I mean we still have two more classes well make that three with lunch.

"Hey want me to take you to your next class?" Jc said pushing his backpack on his shoulder

"Yes please I forgot where all my
classes are" I said turning my artwork in.

I grab my bag and Jc looks at my schedule.

"awesome we have the same class"

Looks like Jc and I are friends now. I've made a new friend. hopefully I don't loose this one like Ella left me.

Jc and I walk to reading class.
I hope Nash is in that class.
We both try to walk in at the same time but we end up pushing each other back.

"Sorry lady's first" Jc chuckled

"Thank you" I giggle.

I put my bag on the table and get my book out 'the lighting thief'
I love to read. well sometimes. I only like to read when I really get into a book and right now I'm loving the book I have.
I open the book and start reading. I look at Jc and he's also reading...well not exactly reading his book. he's on his phone covering it up with his book so the teacher won't see. I look around the library to see if Nash is here. Nope no sign of him ugh this sucks. I continue reading my book wanting for school to be over already.

I can't believe I agreed to come back to school.

"So you and Nash are a thing?" Jc whispers

I nod my head.

"what a lucky guy" Jc whispers a bit louder that time. I could feel my face burn up when he said what a lucky guy. I'm taking that as a complement.

"Hey are we like friendss now?" I asked

"Absolutely" Jc said then winked.

"SORRY IM LATE" a guy shouted as he ran inside the class.

The guy quickly sits with us. Then I realized that it wasn't any random guy it was Jerry. was I seeing things again?!?!

"Jerry?" I whispered

"Hey I come to this school too I don't just haunt you" Jerry whispered back

"Haunt you?" Jc questioned as he raised an eyebrow "what does he mean by haunt you Krystal?"

I just sat there looking at Jc not knowing what to say.

"I always love to give Krystal a good scare" Jerry winked at me

"Ah yes the typical small prank by screaming behind people" Jc Said then going back to his phone

"Yup that's totally it" I said..

I needed to talk to Jerry but I couldn't Jc was right next to us.

"Jc they need you in the office" mrs. whatever her name is said

"Okay miss smith" Jc said getting up. so that's her name.

"Okay why did you take so long to come to class?" I questioned

"I kinda got stuck invisible for a little" Jerry whispered "but as you can see I'm back to normal"

"Oh" was all I managed to say.

After a while of reading in that class the bell finally rang. it's lunch time. Yes! I finally get to see Nash. The funny thing is I act like I haven't seen Nash like for days.

I get my backpack and I quickly walk to the cafeteria. I see Nash sitting down. I go and sit in front of him.

"Hiii" I said smiling big

"Awh my cutie is so happy today" Nash said smiling back "so what's up why are you so happy?"

"Oh noting about school trust me I'm just happy I get to see you" I said. Nash smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips. more class and I finally get to go home. ugh I'm exhausted of just sitting down all the time. we don't have much time at lunch so I'm just going to enjoy being with Nash before I go to math.

"So what class ya got next?" Nash asked

"Math" I said

"Yes finally we actually do have a class together" Nash said happy.
I got happy too. I have him in at least one class. Nash and I got up and went to math class.

"Hey do you want to ditch?" He asked

"Please" I sigh.

Nash and I pretended to go to class but instead we went in the gym and waited for the halls to be clear.

The halls are now clear. Nash grabbed my hand and we both ran out the schools door.

We are far away from the school building. We didn't want to go home so we decided to walk around the empty park.

I hope ya liked the book⭐️ and if I had any misspelled words plz correct me 👍

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