Chapter 23

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Krystal's POV
I look down and I see that I'm still in my pajamas.

"Hey Jerry I need to go home first to get ready. wanna come to my house?" I said as we both walked to my car. He nods and we both get in my car.

I open my closet and pick an outfit.

I go to the restroom and quickly curl my hair

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I go to the restroom and quickly curl my hair. I put on mascara and lips gloss. Now I'm finished. I rush downstairs to see Jerry talking to jack. They both had a big smile on their faces.

"I see you met my long lost friend" Jack said as I walk in the living room

"Yep I did" I said smiling at Jack.

Now that I know jack knows that guy I felt a bit more safe. Maybe this guy isn't bad after all.
I give Jack a quick kiss on the cheek.

"see ya later" I said to Jack

I grab my keys and walk out the door. I start driving.

we have arrived. I get out the car and into wendys we both go. We both order and we take our seat.

"well can you tell me something about my brother?" I said as we both sat down " I want to know stuff about him that i didn't know before"

"your brother loved you so much all he really talked about was you" Jerry said smiling.

Wow did he really talk about me that much. Ugh I wish I could give isaac a big tight hug without letting go. I miss him so much I can start crying right now. But i need to hold those tears back.

Jerry gets up and comes back with our food.

" okay so how did you and isaac meet?" i asked

" well he's a vampire of course" he whispered " and i'm a witch so he needed a witch to cure his friend jack and he found me"

" wow..wait you're a witch" I said in shock.

should I tell him im one too. Nah im not I just met the guy I need his trust so I can tell him. But what if he already knows about me. So many questions in my mind.

"yeah im a witch" Jerry said with a smile still on his face. We both start eating. I guess their was noting to ask anymore. I couldn't think of something to ask. I guess every time someone can give me all the answers I need, my mind just goes blank... noting in there.

"Well I have noting to ask anymore but thanks for inviting me here" I said standing up "here's my number"

I punch my number in his phone and I'm out the door. I quickly start the car and start driving home. That guy had creeped me out with him being a witch. He probably knows about me and is planning something. ugh stupid me why did I give him my phone number!?!

I park the car in the front yard and quickly run inside the house. It felt like if someone has been following me.

"Awesome your back I'm not alone anymore" jack said coming in for a hug.

Woah woah...woahh jack giving me a hug that's new. He's never given anyone a hug or a kiss.

"Jack..." I said as we hugged

"Yes Krystal" he said as he hugged me even tighter

"Why are you hugging me?you never really liked hugs" I said as I looked up at him. Jack stops hugging me an takes me to the living room.

We both sit on the couch.
"Well since your brother is now gone I decide that I will be your brother and I will love you just like Isaac did" jack said smiling at me. I guess his dark side didn't come and that he realized how hurt I was when Isaac died. He must of felt the same way since Ella left. We need each other..

"And I'm going to be the best little sister" I said trying to hold my tears back. I felt like crying him being a brother to me was the best. I mean I felt so lonely when Isaac died I had no family members with me.
But hopefully Jack will make all that loneliness go away...

I'm sorry for the short chapter!
But what do you think on jack being Krystal's brother!😱
Anyways I hope ya like the book😊

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