Chapter 20

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Krystal's POV

"help me....please" Ella said with fear in her voice and eyes.
I look at her with my eyes wide open. What is happening to her? why does she have wings? And why black wings?

I had so many questions in my mind. I put all those questions away.

"H-how is this happening ?" Nash asked not taking his eyes off her wings

" I was just going to the living room to get some wine then I felt so much pain in my back, it was so painful I fell on the ground and the pain got harder and harder. I started crying cause it hurt so much then all the pain went away,I touched my back and I felt feathers" Ella said still in midair.

Nash and I didn't know why that was happening to her so Nash decided to call his friend who is an expert with all this stuff. I think he said her name was something like Mahogany.

"She'll be come as fast as she can" Nash said putting his phone in his back pocket " now we need to stay here with Ella waiting"
I nod my head and smile at Ella. She returns a weak smile.

-2 minutes later-

There's a loud knock on the door. Nash runs to the door and opens it.
"hello Nash" a girls voice says "nice too see you again

Nash lets the girl in.

"hi I'm Mahogany" she says smiling " and you must be the lovely Krystal"

i smile at her and say hi.

"Oh my gosh" Mahogany said with her eyes wide open looking at Ella

"W-what's happening to me?" Ella asked still with a scared face

" have become the next death angel" Mahogany said like if it was such a horrible thing.

"Is that a bad thing?" I questioned

"To her it might be" Mahogany said looking at me then back at Ella

"Can you tell me what this death angel thing is or does " Ella said

"Yes of course" Mahogany helps Ella get down on her feet and we all walk to the living room.

We all sit except for Ella her huge wings are in the way.

"Okay so here's the thing" Mahogany started " the last death angel has quiet of course that's why Ella is the new death angel. Every time Ella is in her death angel form her touch and kill someone" Mahogany stops and looks at all of us and continues " as I can see none of you touched her. She will only transform when she hears someone calling her" Mahogany get interrupted by Ella.

"So I will hear someone calling me so I can take their life's away?"

"Yes" Mahogany looking at her.
The look in Ella's face I could tell she wasn't enjoying what Mahogany is telling us. Ella has never killed anyone she would hate herself if she took someone's life away.

"When ever a person is ready to go they will call you and no matter what you'll be doing you'll just disappear and appear to where the person was calling you" mahogany said

"But what if I don't want to take their life's away?" Ella said playing with her hair

"You will suffer"

We all looked at Ella and a tear ran down her cheek. I felt so bad. Nash gets up

"I need some air" Nash said.

I gotta admit all this was harsh mostly for Ella.

"Is there any way you can train me?" Ella asked

"Yeah sure you can come to me every day" Mahogany said with a smile on her face.

"Can we start now?" Ella asked nervously

"Of course" Mahogany said getting up.

Mahogany helps Ella put her wings away and she goes back to normal then says bye to me and walk out the door.
I get up and go to the kitchen.

I grab myself a cup of water. Nash walks in the kitchen and kisses my cheek.

"I need your help" Nash said

"Okay what's up" I said sitting on top of the table

"I need you to get into Matts mind so we can get a chance to kill him" Nash said coming up to me

"Mmm....Okay" I said giving him a quick peck on the lip. Nash puts his arms around my waist hugging me then he picks me up. I wrap my legs around his torso.
He carries me outside walking towards the car.

We get to the cave. Nash holds my hand like if something was going to come and get me.
We get to where Matthew is at.

"So you're trying to keep her away from me and then you decide to bring her here"Matt said with a smirk

"SHUT UP" Nash screams with all his guts. His scream scared the crab out of me. Nash hated Matthew so much.

"Come on don't scream like that" Matthew said looking at Nash " you're scaring the crap out of your lovely girlfriend"

He must of noticed when I jumped when Nash screamed. Nash growled at Matthew

"do it now Krystal" Nash said giving Matthew a death look. I nod my head and so as told. I get in his head and start hurting him. Nash grabs a silver stake and stabs Matthew in the heart with it. Matthew stops screaming from pain as I get out of his head.

Matthew gasps and leaves his mouth open. He slowly closes his eyes.

"it's done now let's go" Nash said grabbing my hand taking me out of the cave...

Eh not much but I kinda like it
And I hope you guys like it too😊
And if I have any mistakes please tell me so I can go back and fix them👍⭐️

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