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"Touch anything, and you die," Bright growled, roughly pulling away. Win nearly rolled his eyes and leaned to grab hold of the door. It shut, trapping the both of them in the car.

"Hm, that's definitely a new one. My clients always want me to touch," Win joked as Bright pressed on the gas.

"Just tell me where I'm going," Bright said tautly.

"Take the next right," Win replied, busily looking around at all the gadgets and smooth interior of the car, "Hey, do these seats go back?"

Bright glanced over at Win while he was turning. The guy was clearly interested in everything, though he tried to shrug it off.

"Of course they d- I told you not to touch anything!" Bright exclaimed, watching Win laugh as the seat gradually lowered him.

"Now this is nice," Win admonished,
nearly completely horizontal. Bright nearly had a heart attack when Win suddenly lifted his feet and placed them on the dash, spreading his legs, "I would totally let someone fuck me like this."

Bright was trying to breathe correctly, he really was, but this guy just touched something, just put his feet on the dashboard, and those small shorts weren't leaving much to the imagination in that lewd position and he was going to murder this man as soon as he stopped staring and-

"You just missed the light you were supposed to turn at, by the way," Win spoke calmly.

Bright harshly stepped on the brake and sent them both lurching forward. On reflex, Win quickly threw his legs down and braced his feet on the floor.

"The heck?" Win complained, sitting up and looking behind them, "You could have caused a major accident if someone was behind us!"

"You..." Bright almost laughed, though it was definitely not a happy sound, "Put the seat back up and then don't fucking move."

Win frowned at the order.


"NOW," Bright roared, startling Win.

There was a moment where they simply stared at each other. Then Win's frown deepened and he reached under the seat to bring the back up.

"Yeesh. Asshole," Win muttered under his breath.

Bright heard it. He decided, for his own health, he would pretend he didn't.

When the seat was back in its proper place and Win was still, looking out the window, Bright made a U-turn.

"Now, which way?" Bright asked.

"Right. Then you'll make a sharp left," Win answered tightly, mood ruined for tonight. Now he was just waiting to get to the hotel, get his money, and get the fuck out of here.

Bright followed Win's directions, very aware of the change in personality from the one sitting next to him. Well good, Bright thought, maybe they could get through the rest of this drive without a murder taking place.

When Bright spotted the familiar hotel, he could have started singing. Win shared his thoughts.

"No parking garage?" Win asked, the first thing besides directions that had come out of his mouth in the last ten minutes. Almost on cue, a man in uniform came rushing out and took the key away from Bright, "... oh. Right. Valet."

Win would never admit he felt a little uncomfortable in front of a huge, extravagant hotel standing next to a man in a suit. Especially when the valet was looking at him oddly.

"So, money?" Win asked expectantly, holding out his hand.

Bright looked down at the hand and smirked.

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