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Happy Monday!
The night dragged on.

Win refused to leave until he could at least talk with Green. Bright was fine with that, and kept a distance the whole night, deep in thought.

When the doctor finally announced Green could have visitors, Dim was the first one on the doctor's heels. Win smirked at this, and decided he'd let the two have at least a little alone time before he barged in. So, with a quick glance at Bright, Win went down the hallways to find a vending machine.

A canned coffee was in his hands minutes later. The caffeine would help keep him awake.

He had really not paid attention to the doctor when Green's room number had been said, so he opted for venturing through the halls until he came across it. It wasn't long before he heard Green's voice.

Hearing Dim's with it, Win halted right outside the door, peaking inside.

"You're not doing this again," Dim said vigorously. Win heard Green sigh.

"We need money," Green replied, though his comment was without bite. In fact, if Win knew any better, he'd say Green was looking at Dim with an almost... adoration.

"We'll find jobs... or something," Dim spoke, faltering. His head dropped, "You just really scared me today."

Green sighed again, tugging on Dim's arm until the boy was sitting on the side of his hospital bed. Green threw his arms around him.

"Stop sounding so serious!" Green exclaimed with his trademark grin, "Everything is fiiine."

Dim's expression was a borderline pout that made Win chuckle lowly.

Win stilled, however, when Green turned Dim's full toward his own and kissed him.

Breaking his gaze from them, Win turned and leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes.

'Breaking your own rules?' Win thought begrudgingly. He couldn't stop the pricks of jealousy along his skin.

Win waited out in the hallway, in that same position, until Dim strolled out of the room. The shorter boy looked flustered to see him.

"Win!" Dim practically squeaked. Every single movement he made screamed guilty.

Win just smiled at him and walked into the room, finding Green with his eyes narrowed questioningly. The raven grabbed a stool and set it by Green's bed, sitting on it and opening his coffee.

"So," Win began, taking a gulp of the mocha, "My turn to be kissed?"

"Fuck you," Green blurted, a red hue crossing his cheeks.

Win's chuckle slowly turned into a deep exhale.

"So easy for you two," Win sighed, sloshing the coffee for no good reason.

Green raised an eyebrow, the blush fading.

"Easy? Are you crazy?" Green asked. Win stopped spinning his coffee, "We sell our bodies for money, Win, and I... I don't want to give him to anyone else."

A down Green was not something seen very often.

"... so you thought doing drugs only was better?" Win inquired, knowing he hit the mark when Green winced. Win sighed yet again. He... understood wanting to have someone to yourself. After these damn arranged dates, he definitely understood, "I... will set you up. Don't worry about it."

Green looked surprised, but the look quickly melted into a knowing smirk.

"Oooh, I see. Win bagged the rich guy, eh?" Green teased, grinning like mad.

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