Subject Change

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Standing next to a bright glass counter, Win observed his surroundings curiously. He unconsciously tugged the long trench coat Aof had loaned him closer to his body while he waited for this said Jeanie Panhan to appear.

He had been sent to a rather large mall just two blocks down from the Chang Mai Hyatt. It was a huge building; three stories with, Win was sure, had enough supplies to live off of for years.

The particular store he stood in was well-lit, showing off the suits and gowns to their full potatial. Even the glass counter he was standing next to looked absolutely spotless.

Just to spite it, Win ran a finger across the glass.

He grinned at the smeared mark.

"Are you Win?"

Win looked up at the peppy voice. A woman stood in front of him with a ruby red smile, hands clasped behind her back.

"Are you Jeanie?" Win asked back.

"I am! And aren't you a cutie?" Jeanie exclaimed, the smile fading when her eyes landed on the trench coat that covered everything.

Win's eyebrows furrowed.


"Come with me!" Jeanie exclaimed, linking her arm within his own and dragging him across the store. Win almost tripped, following the girl with apprehension swirling in his gut.

'Well, at least she doesn't seem like a bitch. Though I think she's a little overly friendly,' Win thought. He let himself be dragged to the back of the store, and through racks and racks of clothing.

"Alright!" Jeanie said excitedly, letting go of his arm and twisting around to face him, "Strip!"

As many times as Win had been told this in his life, this one took him off-guard.

"Excuse me?"

"Body measurements must be taken, silly. Can't do that with your trench coat blocking the view!" Jeanie explained, snapping her fingers impatiently.

Win narrowed his eyes at being rushed, but did as he was told.

He jumped at the loud squeal that followed.

"Men in short shorts! Total cuties! And those legs! You could easily be a trap," Jeanie gushed, little stars and hearts twinkling in her eyes.

Win still thought the woman was a little nutty, and he had no idea what half of what she was saying meant, but she was clearly oolging him. She had good taste.

"... what's do you mean by 'trap'?" Win ventured, hating being out of the loop with anything.

And so began Win's lesson on the wonders of the otaku.


A wary sigh escaped Bright as he unlocked the door to his room. He was beyond grateful that his father had been much too busy with clients today to have a word with him.

"Win?" Bright asked upon entry, looking around. At least everything seemed to be the way he left it.

"Bright?" Came the answer call. After some shuffling was heard, Win walked out of the bedroom.

Bright paused in his mission to unravel his tie when he saw the shorter man's outfit. A white, long-sleeved, button-up dress shirt covered his upper body, and hung over black slacks. It was beyond plain and simple, and Bright found himself shocked. He was half expecting the man to go out and buy something loud and extravagant.

Noticing the stare, Win grinned, twirling around to show off his stuff.

"Pretty sharp, huh?" Win prodded, arms held wide out.

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