Bubble Bath

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Win was only a tad disappointed when Bright emerged from the bathroom fully clothed. His gaze followed the man as he made his way across the room and to his closet, grabbing an orange tie.

"So you're leaving me on my lonesome," Win spoke up with a pout, turning his head toward the open bathroom door, "Hey, can I take a bubble bath!"

"You just showered last night," Bright commented, looking in the mirror as he tightened the orange fabric around his neck. Win crawled over the mattress until he reached the end, swinging his feet over to touch the carpet.

"That didn't have bubbles," he replied matter-of-factly, smiling innocently when Bright glanced at him through he mirror.

"Whatever," Bright relented, satisfied with his tie, and looked around for his dress shoes. He had just grabbed them when he heard the bathroom door shut. Sitting on the bed, Bright paused in putting his shoes on, staring at the bathroom door.

He briefly wondered if this was really a good idea. The little power trip felt great this morning, but now that things had settled down and left him time to think, doubts were creeping back into his mind. What was the point of this, anyway? Win couldn't stay here forever. It's not like he could continue this lover charade. When Win left, would everything just return to the way it was before?

No, that's exactly what he didn't want. And for the first time in his life, he was going to do what he wanted. Win was what finally made him realize this, so it was good to keep the guy around for a while, if only for support.

Heh, funny how his backup came in the form of a complete stranger.

But maybe it was fate.

Speaking of the outrageous man, Bright wondered if he was hungry. Surely he would be.

A quick trip to the phone assured him breakfast would be on its way as soon as possible. Just as he ended that call, his cellphone started ringing. Exasperation filtered over his face when he saw the caller ID.

"Mike" Bright greeted warily.

"Where are you? Vachirawit just got back in the office and he's in such a horrible mood!" Mike exclaimed.

"I know, I'm the cause of it. Like always," Bright sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Look I'll be ther-"

Bright paused when he heard a muffled voice coming from behind the bathroom door. Almost like... singing?

"Bright?" Mike asked, confused at the sudden break off. Bright ignored him, however, making his way to the bathroom door, where he was sure singing was coming from.

"Bright? Hello?"

Bright opened the door, coming face to face with a lithe body covered by water and bubbles, raven hair wet and plastered to the tub where his head rested. The eyes were closed and his head lightly bobbed as he sung along to the song playing from the earphones in his ears.

"Aaaaand, if you ask me how I'm feeling... "

A broad smile ran across Bright's face as he slowly walked in, staring mirthfully at Win's half-assed dance moves.

"... Bright? What is that God-awful noise?" Mike asked, and Bright had a hard time keeping his laughter in.


Win's eyes opened at this point, and he immediately stopped singing when he saw Bright. Bright finally let out the laughter that had been building in his chest. Win looked a little embarrassed as he pulled the earphones out of his ears.

"Mike I'll see you at work," Bright said, not even letting the man reply before turning the phone off.

"... don't you knock?" Win asked with a pointed look at the door.

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