Take it

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"Steamy, hm? Nice choice of words, considering he just fucked me in the shower," Win remarked, still able to feel the shower door shaking beneath his feet as that engorged dick dug deep inside him. Shit, now Win was wishing Bright hadn't have kicked him out of the shower.

"Ah, so he hasn't thrown you out yet? Surprising. Gotten paid yet?"

Win resented that statement.

"The deal is to pay me at the end of the week."

"And you trust this guy?"

"Hey, it's because of this guy you have your apartment back."

"Tell me why he's having you spend the entire weekend with him again?"

"'cause I'm too damn sexy to let go," Win replied with a grin, hearing the bathroom door open. He glanced across the room, his grin growing wider when he saw Bright in nothing but a towel around his waist. He heard Green sigh on the other line.

"You wish. How about the real reason?" Green asked, but Win was only half paying attention while he watched Bright's eyes travel down his body. Win leaned back, stretching his body out, and wiggled his eyebrows. Bright blushed and went about his business to find clothes.

Win laughed.

"This guy is something else," Win sighed.

"... sounds like you're pretty happy with staying there for a week," Green said suspiciously. Win snapped his eyes away from Bright.

"Well who wouldn't be? Silk sheets, Green. Silk!"

"Uh huh. Well. As much as I love to hear you brag, I'm going to go."

"Give Dim a kiss for me."

"Go to hell."

Win hung up the phone just as Bright was making his way over, now decked in a pair of gray sweatpants.

".. who's Green?" Bright asked, sitting on the bed. He was trying his best to keep his eyes on Win's face. Why didn't this guy know about decency?

"My roommate," Win explained, shifting until his head was resting on Bright's knee. He looked up at the upside-down man with an expectant expression, "So why did I have to stay up?"

Bright raised a hand in the air, and Win noticed he had his cell phone.

"If I call in and say I'm going to be a little late tomorrow, would you want to try shopping again? This time I'll make sure you don't get kicked out."

Win blinked in surprise.

"... won't you get in trouble?" Win asked, frowning. Something didn't seem right about this. Mr. Work-a-holic wanted to skip work? For him?

"... probably. That's why I'll call Mike right now and tell him to inform everyone. They're making me go to dinner to settle a contract tomorrow night anyway. I'll just make up the hours," Bright assured, though he knew it didn't work like that. Frankly, he didn't care. If he could avoid his father and have more time to think about this business decision with Drake, he was all for it.

And, he reasoned, spending time with Win wasn't a bad thing.

Win didn't like hearing that Bright would be home even later due to this little dinner date. Well, if the man was willing to miss work to ease some of Win's boredom, who was he to object?

"... how much money are you giving me?" Win asked slyly. Bright rolled his eyes and flipped open his cellphone.

"You'll have a credit card at your disposal, princess," Bright remarked, punching in Mike's number. Win didn't even mind being called princess when he thought of all he could buy. And the hand that gently brushed against his hair felt nice.

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