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"So stingy," Win replied humorously, eyes falling down to Bright's chest. Dragging his oily hands down Bright's arms, he leaned down and captured a nipple between his lips. Bright's head dipped back as he focused on the pleasure of those licks and nibbles, and let out a harsh breath when Win started rocking in his lap.

"S- so how does this work?" Bright asked through his hazy arousal. It was fairly hard to keep your voice steady when the rough material of those tiny shorts was rubbing against soft slacks.

Win pulled back from him with a hearty laugh.

"Never had sex before, Bright?"

Bright flushed, and narrowed his eyes.

"I didn't mean that! Aren't there like... rules or something to prostitution?" Bright spoke, rather embarrassed. Win found it charming.

"No foreign objects, don't know where they've been. This," Win enunciated, cupping Bright's erection and giving it a gentle squeeze, which made Bright bite down on the inside of his cheek, "must be covered with a condom, don't worry, I have some. And no kissing."

Win tapped Bright's lips with his finger to exaggerate that last rule. Bright blinked.

"... sounds like you have that memorized," Bright replied dryly, the reality that he was about to engage in sexual acts with a prostitute, and a male one at that, settling on his shoulders and giving him a weird vibe. Paparazzi would have a field day with this one.

Win simply shrugged, straightening himself on his knees and reaching in his pockets.

"So," Win began, raising a fist with condoms of various colors, "I've got red, blue, green, and one awesome gold one. Nothing is getting through this thing."

Bright stared disbelievingly.

"... a buffet of safety," Bright commented with an incredulous chuckle.

Win rolled his eyes, but couldn't stop a smile from reaching his lips.

"Well whatever, we'll worry about this later," Win said, throwing the condoms on the table where his knife still lay before grasping at Bright's belt, "Let's get these off of you."

Bright lifted his hips so his slacks could easily be pulled down and off his legs. Win eyed the strong legs before gazing into Bright's eyes with a promising glint.

Bright watched with rapt attention as Win made a show of pulling his shirt off, rolling his toned body in waves as inch by inch of creamy pale skin was exposed.

"Haha, I wish we had some stripper music going," Win commented when he pulled his shirt over his head, and Bright laughed, shaking his head.

Sitting up, Bright wound his hands around Win's body and splayed them out over the jean-clad ass of his companion.

"I think the bed would be more suitable for this," Bright suggested, craning his neck to look up at Win, who scoffed.

"Have you ever not done it on a bed, Mr. Proper?" Win responded, chuckling at the guilty look flashing across Bright's face.

"Don't call me that," Bright responded, trying to hide his embarrassment with irritation, "And if we're doing this, it is going to be on a bed."

Win was a little disheartened, but took hold of Bright's arms and slipped out of his hold, obediently climbing off the message table. He waited until Bright was standing to lean his elbows down on the message table and spread his legs invitingly, smirking over his shoulder.

"Sure you wouldn't want me like this?" Win asked in his best pur, slowly swaying his ass in the air. His smirk widened as he watched Bright's eyes follow every movement.

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