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"For a man who complains about working, you sure do put business first," Win commented, snapping the briefcase open and getting back to work.

"What about you? With the hundreds of propositions you throw around to everyone who's anyone, I'd say 'business' is important to you too," Bright rebuttled,

"It's a little different when you need money to survive," Win spoke dryly, glancing at him pointedly, "But I'm still not as uptight as you."

Bright scoffed, sitting on the far end of the couch Win was sitting on.

"You obviously know why I'm 'uptight', since I just ranted about it earlier."

"You're not the only one with their life fucked up."

Bright paused and simply observed Win as he shifted through papers. The male was clean, his hair brushed through and his black t-shirt unfaded. He clearly took care of himself, so he couldn't be too bad off. But then again, Bright figured you'd be focused on taking care of your looks if you were a prostitute.

His eyes unblinkingly shifted down to those short blue jeans. With Win sitting down, they were nearly exposing his thigh. Bright thought they had to be pretty damn uncomfortable.

"... how did you get into prostitution?" Bright found himself asking, forcing his eyes back up to Win's face. Win turned to him with one eyebrow raised.

"My, we're getting personal, aren't we?" Win smirked, holding up a hand and moving his finger back and forth, "Number one rule as a prostitute: no getting personal. No life stories, no personal requests, and no kissing."

"No kissing?" Bright asked in curiosity.

"Well, on the lips. That's really just Green's rule, but I follow it too," Win replied, looking momentarily lost in thought, "Too intimate."

'And fucking someone isn't?' Bright thought, snorting.

"What if someone paid you for a kiss?"

Win's lips curved into a sensual smile and he threw a hooded look in Bright's direction.

"You insinuating something?" Win teased. Bright's almost felt the need to hit himself for so easily falling into that one.


"Haha, what kind of man would pay extra for a kiss when he can just get a quick fuck and go?" Win laughed as Bright cringed. Win then loudly straightened one of the piles of paper by slamming it down on the coffee table a couple times, "Done!"

Bright looked at the stacks of paper in surprise.

"Let me see," Bright spoke, standing up and leaning over the coffee table to sift through the papers. Win leaned back on the couch and smirked at the view.

True to his word, Win had placed all of the papers in alphabetical order. Bright combined all the stacks and began to neatly place them back in the briefcase.

"You didn't think I'd do my work right? I'm hurt," Win accused, swinging himself up in a standing position, "Now, let's give you that massage! ... actually, I want my money first."

A low chuckle made its way through Bright's lips as he shut the briefcase. So the guy was getting smart now.

"Damn, and I thought I'd get away with it again," Bright threw back, reaching into the pocket of his black slacks to retrieve his wallet.

Win grinned and couldn't help but hold his head up proudly. When the money was placed in his hands, Win counted it, just to make sure, and pocketed it in the back of his shorts. Bright raised a brow.

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