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After pursuing his lips together tightly, Win turned, once again, to the window.

Bright sighed, albeit lightly in case it agitated the man sitting next to him, and glanced at Drake uncomfortably. The other raven was already looking elsewhere with an unreadable expression.

Bright decided to let it go. For now.

At least until they saw Green.

Things were happening too fast to keep up with.

The limo came to a stop right outside of the emergency room doors and Win was first to open the car door. Bright hurried in behind him, not even checking to see if Drake followed.

The waiting room they stumbled into was blandly white, as most hospitals were, and inhabited by about six or seven people standing around the victim. Green laid, spread out over a row of chairs. Blood stained his pants on the outside of his thigh, one leg limp where it laid. The brunette's face was contorted in pain and his eyes looked out of focus, probably dizzy from the loss of blood.

"Green!" Win said his name as he ran over. The others standing around, including Dim, greeted him loudly, all beginning to talk at once.

Bright walked straight over to the welcoming window, assuring that he would pay for all the costs and demanding Green receive treatment at once.

With the reassurance of money, a stretcher was brought out in a rush.

"Green, what happened?" Win asked, moving back so the nurses could get him on the stretcher.

The smile Green gave him was meant to be flippant; blithe, but it came out strained as he was lifted.

"Stupid people... 'n their drugs," Green muttered. He couldn't say much more, however, as the nurses whisked him down the hallway.

"Drugs?" Win repeated, watching him go wearily before turning to Dim, "Do you know what happened?"

"I couldn't get very much out of him either," Dim admitted, looking downright like a kicked puppy, "A drug deal gone wrong, as far as I know. I don't know how he broke his leg..."

"Drug deal," Win repeated again, more to himself than anyone, before sighing tiredly. Raising a hand to his head, he kneaded the skin, chuckling dryly, "I've told him to stay out of that shit."

"I'm so glad they took him, though," Dim changed the subject, turning to Bright, who had stayed back and silently observed, "Thank you so much, sir!"

With this came a deep bow, to which Bright waved his hand in the air quickly.

"No need for that. He's taken care of now," Bright responded. Even so, the other people in the waiting area also thanked him.

Win smiled at Bright before glancing over to the front doors. Drake was inside, leaning up against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

With a timed frown, Win turned his way.

"You can leave. ... thank you for the ride," Win spoke. A sorry was right on the tip of his tongue for the rash snapping in the limo, but he couldn't quite bring himself to say it.

Drake looked at him, then, seeming somewhat relieved, before turning attention to Bright.

"We'll be in contact?"

"Yeah," Bright assured.

Drake nodded and pushed off the wall.

"Until then. ... I hope your friend is alright, Win," Drake said sincerely.

"Yeah, thanks," Win responded lowly, watching the man until he was out of sight. Bright watched the exchange, choosing to step forward and fling his arm around Win's shoulders. Win blinked and looked up curiously.

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