Let Lose

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Win couldn't believe it. Filing? This man was really going to give him twenty-five-thousand baht just to put some papers in alphabetical order? He had that much money just to throw away? It irked Win.

It also irked him that he had actually been somewhat anxious for a fuck. I mean, the brunette was clearly gorgeous, and Win was extremely curious about what kind of lover he was.

But if he had to file papers to get the money, then he would file the papers.

... after he took a look around this hotel room.

"Deal," Win answered, patting his hand on the papers, "Even though it's a little insulting, alphabetical order, you got it."

Bright was pleased with his acceptance. He was not so pleased when Win turned and walked away from the briefcase, head turning this way and that.

"What are you doing?" Bright asked, annoyed.

"I have to know my work environment before I can successfully start filing!" Win exclaimed, Bright mentally calling bullshit the moment he finished the sentence, "I should know my employer, too. You never told me your name, you know. Unless you want me to call you Vachirawit?"

Bright balked at the name that was so often associated with his father, and sighed.

"My name is Br-"

"Is that bathtub marble!" Win exclaimed, running into the bathroom.

Bright felt a headache coming on as he grudgingly made his way over to the bathroom. Win was sitting on the side of the tub, a fancy glass bottle in his hands.

"Is this bubble bath liquid? Oh man, I'll get started on those papers right away if you let me do them in a bubble bath," Win said with a smile.

Bright crossed his arms and leaned up against the door frame.

"No way. I don't trust you. You'd get the papers all wet," Bright replied. Win scowled immediately, and forlornly set down the bottle of bubble bath. The corner of Bright's lips quirked upwards at the grown man getting sad over not being able to have a bubble bath.

It didn't take Win very long to get excited again after walking through the suite, however.

"A mini-bar? Is that a massage table?" Win asked rather animatedly, wide eyes taking in all the luxuries, "A massage table with a bunch of oils... sexy."

Bright rolled his eyes when Win's eyebrows raised and lowered repeatedly. Win laughed, saw the king-sized bed, and suddenly made a run for it. He launched himself on the mattress, his mouth opening in astonishment at the soft mattress underneath him.

"Wow, you totally sink in this thing," Win commented, lying back with his arms spread and eyes focused on the ceiling.

"Will you get out of my bed and start working on those papers already?" Bright asked, though the initial bite in his words was gone. He found it oddly... cute... to see this guy acting like a little puppy who just got a new home. All of the extravagant stuff around him was normal for a man like Bright. He had never really thought twice about the extra amenities and unbelievably soft bed.

"You are a spoil-sport, you know that?" Win asked, raising his head just enough to put Bright in his line of vision, "Fine, fine. I'll start on your precious papers."

Win heaved himself up and walked over to the couch where the briefcase was waiting. Instead of walking around the couch like a normal person, Win opted to hop over the back and bounce down on the cushions instead.

Bright shook his head in disbelief. He was a little worried about letting the man out of his sight, but he desperately wanted to change into more comfortable clothes, so Bright made his way to his room to do just that.

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