Standing Ovation

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"... shower."

"You need to take one after work anyway, right?" Win reasoned, diligently unbuttoning the shirt that he'd been recently shooed away from. Bright helped him wiggle himself out of it.

"Wouldn't it be uncomfortable for you?" Bright asked with the hard surface in mind.

"There's a thing called standing up, you know."

Bright smirked, bending his knees just a bit to grab Win's ass and hoist him up. Win quickly took hold of the bare, broad shoulders and hopped up, swinging his legs around Bright's waist.

"If I remember correctly, I had to help you stay up before. And you even had something to lean on."

Fingers slid into brunette locks and tightened, pulling the man's head back as Win loomed over him, wearing the face of a siren. Bright watched with growing anticipation as the mocha eyes flickered, leaning in close.

"Really? I don't remember correctly. You should remind me," Win whispered heatedly. Bright's heart skipped a beat when Win's face leaned even closer... tilting... lips parted...

Warm breath ghosted over his lips before Win changed direction and swung his head down to the side of Bright's neck. There was a split second worth of disappointment from Bright before Win latched his lips onto the skin and sucked hard.

Growling at the challenge, Bright made his way to the bathroom, teasingly sliding a hand between Win's legs from behind, rubbing against the material. Win moaned into his neck, tightening his hold and rolling his hips, grinding himself into the parallel stomach. It was slowly driving Bright crazy, feeling that hardness rubbing just a little above where he wanted it to be..

Win was promptly pried off of Bright's body when they reached the bathroom. As soon as Win's feet hit the floor, hands were busily unzipping his slacks.

"Condom. By the massage table," Win breathed, amused by the impatient look on Bright's face before the disgruntled man stomped out of the bathroom in search of said condoms. Win took the moment to turn on the water and rid himself of all clothing.

Stepping into the warm spray, Win closed his eyes, bringing a hand up to his lips.

For a second, in their steamy frenzy to the bathroom, Win had really wanted to kiss that man. Very nearly did! He had never been compelled to kiss a client before, no matter their looks or performance.

Bright was just... just...

Win was startled when an arm was wrapped around his waist, pulling him flush against the front of Bright's body. He shuttered at the feel of a scorching hot rod sliding along the small of his back and top of his cheeks, and hooked one arm around Bright's neck when a large hand ghosted over his abs and fisted Win's aching need.

"Haa.. ng!" Win gasped, unconsciously pushing his hips out further when Bright rubbed his thumb against the slit on the tip.

"Conditioner should work, right?" Bright asked into his ear, throwing the condom onto the shower seat and reaching for the bottle of conditioner. Win groaned when the hand left his dick, and he heard the snap of a lid behind him. Anticipating the next move, Win braced his forearms on the shower wall and spread his legs.

Bright quickly turned the shower-head away from them, and Win shivered a bit when the warm water stopped hitting his skin. He jumped at the cool conditioner on his skin, and rested his forehead on the shower wall when a finger dove itself inside of him.

Bright's breathing accelerated as his finger slid in the hole so greedily sucking him in. With his dick throbbing almost painfully, Bright slipped another finger in, scissoring and plunging.

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