Dressing Up

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"... give me that," Win demanded, snatching the dress away from Green's hands. Green put his hands up in mock-defeat.

"Hey, it's alright. I always knew you were leaning on the feminine side."

Win bristled, quickly sitting up on the bed.

"Do I have to show you how very manly I am?" Win asked with a smirk, working on the front of his pants. Green's eyes widened.

"Dude, no! Put it away! I get it!" Green exclaimed, making Win laugh.

A knock on the door made Green pause in his pleads, and made Win jump. Green watched in silent surprise as Win's expression turned fearful, and he quickly righted his pants.

"Housekeeping!" Was the shout they heard, muffled by the door, soon after.

Win visibly relaxed, and Green's eyebrows scrunched together.

"Jumpy, much? Should I expect cops to come looking for you or something?"

"I thought it might have been Bright..." Win said, trailing off with a frown on his mouth when he thought how silly that was. Bright wouldn't knock on his own door. The dark brunette slipped off the bed, dashing over to answer the maid.

Green stayed sitting where he was, a knowing look on his features. So Win had the ability to look that scared at the prospect of Mr. Creep-O coming home to see Win in his bedroom with another guy and his dick hanging out?

The brunette leaned against the bed, listening to Win and the maid chat about cleaning the room, until Win walked back into the bedroom.

"I even have maids to clean for me!" Win said enthusiastically, throwing himself back on the bed. Green snorted.

"You mean for him," Green retorted, flinging an arm on the mattress and turning around to face Win. He stared until the other noticed.


Green contemplated for a moment, before deciding not to bring up Mr. Creep-O.

"Oh, nothing. Just imaging how ugly you'd look in that dress."

A rather large rush of air left Win's lips.

"What is with you people thinking I wouldn't look damn hot in a dress?" Win exclaimed, tapping his fingers on his knee. As if a sudden revelation had come to him, Win's eyes brightened in a way that made Green shrink back, "Lets go shopping."

"... shopping?"

"Yeah, I need a few things. And you're going to help me."

"Why would I do this?"

"Because, as you so lovely put it before, you are my friend and roommate."

"That doesn't include shopping buddy."

"Oh come on. I'll let you get whatever you waaant~!"

"... whatever I want?"

Win stretched to reach the nightstand, opening the top drawer and burying his hand inside. A gold credit card was retrieved, and Win held it up enticingly, turning it back and forth so the shiny surface reflected in the light.

"I've got all the money in the world right in the palm of my hand!"

"... then we've got a deal."

The sound of a vacuum cleaner hit their ears.

"... she can help too!" Win exclaimed, once again jumping off the bed and running out of the room. Green was highly confused, wondering what the hell they needed a maid for.

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