Letting Go

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Bright pressed his body flush against Win's as he worked, leaning down to place soft kisses and little licks to the raven's mid-back. He shivered when the action pressed his arousal against the curve of Win's cheeks and found himself subconsciously rubbing against the smooth skin.

Win wiggled, his control threatening to give way. Already, his dick was straining again for attention.

"Bright," Win spoke in a breathy voice.

"Hm?" Bright answered rather distractedly, gyrating his hips in search for that throb of pleasure every time he moved just right. His tongue licked up the small of Win's back, his fingers prodding deeper and curving.

Win's eyes widened when his nerve endings exploded in a sudden, blissful moment. He was near devastated when Bright adjusted his fingers again and it didn't return.

"Fuck, get in me," Win panted.

Bright suppressed an answering groan.

"You sure it's okay?" Bright asked, quickening his fingers. The man beneath him still felt a little tighter than usual.

"Ye- AH! Hah, aah, aaagn," Win quivered in ecstasy when the brunette managed to hit that spot again. Bright straightened his body, aiming two fingers against that incredible little bundle of nerves and hitting it ruthlessly, "Aaaagn, haah, fuck, mmg, Shi- Bright... stop! Aah- I won't... last!"

The fingers pulled out abruptly with a small shlurp.

His body heavy from the pleasure override, Win almost felt the need to slump down on the couch. His skin prickled pleasantly, dick weeping.

There wasn't much time to rest, however, before Win felt something much bigger and hotter than fingers glide teasingly over his entrance.

"Oh-haaah," Win gasped as the hot rod slipped into him. Bright's hands ran over Win's thighs soothingly as he sheathed himself inside, biting his lip when the tightness begged him to immediately pound into the other. But he just grunted, letting his hands roam over the exposed body until he was nearly in to the hilt.

The brunette frowned at the limited room on the couch. Neither could spread their legs very far.

"... I'm gonna move a bit," Bright instructed, slipping one foot onto the floor, and keeping his other knee on the couch. He pulled at Win's body, until the raven was sitting diagonal on the couch, one foot hanging over the edge. Win arranged his arms, one on the armrest and one on the back of the couch, using the leverage to drag his body forward and impale himself on Bright's dick again.

Bright moaned at the friction.

"M-move," Win demanded, doing it again.

Bright took control of the situation in a pleasurable haze, hands holding Win's hips still as he pushed and pulled in and out of that tight canal. His thrusting gradually increased until he was desperately drilling himself in an onslaught of passion. Win shoved himself back into the brunette for as long as he could, until the thrusts became too frenzied to keep up with and it was all too much.

Instead, the raven clawed at the couch, eyes half open and searing, staring blindly at nothing. His toes curled tightly.


A shiver raced down Bright's spine at the broken sound of his name called from those lips, and gasped when Win tightened around him. He angled his hips just right to keep Win going wild.

Win's vocal volume increased as his body trembled dangerously. Sweat glistened along their skin in the dim blue, flickering light.

Moans, breathy grunts, and the loud slaps of skin against skin filled the musky air around them, until Bright slipped a hand underneath Win's body and grabbed hold of his leaking dick. The organ was slick with precum and Bright had merely jerked it twice before he felt it begin to convulse.

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