The Deal

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After a hardy lunch and some animated chatting alongside Nevvy and her father, Bright found himself returning to the hotel just before dinner time. He really had not planned to stay for as long as he did, but all-in-all, he had himself a good time.
And he was extremely grateful the whole marriage thing hadn't turned into a hassle. Bright was not blind, however. By her flighty eyes and reserved body-language, he knew without a doubt that the news of another possible lover did not settle well with the brunette beauty, even though her smile was bright throughout the day.

As if he didn't respect that woman already.

"Ah.. Vachirawit!"

Bright's feet slowed to a stop when a feminine voice called his name, and looked toward the front desk. A woman stood there, beckoning him to come closer.

Changing his route, Bright strode over to the woman whose name tag read 'Kasahara Mitsu', reaching for the piece of paper she was offering.

"What's this?" Bright asked, flipping the paper over curiously.

"Drake called, sir," she spoke, catching Bright's attention immediately, "That's his contact information. He said it was important to let you know he called, and that he would like you to call him back tomorrow."

Bright stared at the number in contemplation.

"... sir?" Mitsu asked when Bright didn't move. As if that snapped him out of his thoughts, Bright smiled at her.

"Thanks," Bright said, turning around and continuing his way to the elevators.


Raising his eyebrow when yet another person stopped him, this one male, Bright halted and waited as the manager of the hotel approached him cautiously.

"Excuse me, but... did you plan on having any company while you were out today?" Aof questioned. He had been bothered by Mr. Vachirawit's presence here the entire day, especially when said man came back down to the lobby with a slash across his cheek that had most certainly not been there when he had entered.

Aof had sent a maid up to clean the room even though they were not scheduled to do so for at least another day, just to make sure Win was alright.

The maid had returned to him saying there was nothing abnormal other than a myriad of oil bottles tipped over.

Bright's eyebrows furrowed.

Company? This man already knew of Win's presence...


Bright flashed a sheepish grin.

"As a matter-of-fact, I did. Sorry... I'll make sure any guests are signed in from now on," Bright promised. He had told Win to call Green this morning. The raven must have taken his advice.

Aof said nothing more as he watched the man walk toward the elevators. Something still felt off.

Bright entered into a dimly lit room. Only the kitchen's white, luminescent glow scattered through the air, casting long shadows over the walls and furniture.

Raising an eyebrow, Bright shut the door behind him gently and slipped off his shoes.

Was Win taking a nap?

As if to answer that question, something moved, and Bright's gaze fell on Win standing in the bedroom door-frame.

"Welcome home, Brightly," Win greeted, crossing his arms and leaning against the door-frame. It was a familiar pose, but this time, the man was not wearing a dress. In fact, he was still dressed in his pajamas.

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