Chapter 45

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I double updated last week and I don't think there was a notification? Did ya'll get one?

If you haven't read those chapters that means more to read tho💜

Chapter 45


Another two weeks passed and Jungkook spent way more time than he had intended at the beach. It was just somewhat comforting to sit there and listen to the waves. Once he took Eunji with him, but even though talking to her was quite fun, the company took away some of the relaxing effect, so the next day he went alone again.

He also ran into Minji a lot. After sobering up he had been somewhat glad they had made up, since if they hadn't all the encounters after that would have been even more awkward. But with the way things were now they would chat for a short while, maybe get some drinks with the rest of their friend group, before going on with their days again.

He was doing fine... but only fine. There was just this gap that had been there ever since Minji had left him, and that had been temporarily filled with Taehyung's presence. And Jungkook missed Taehyung. As crazy as it was, he missed his killer siren.

He missed sitting by the bathtub and just talking about whatever came to his mind. He missed the way Taehyung would smile just a little when Jungkook said something that Taehyung deemed funny. The way he usually hid that he was smiling by looking down, but it would still be so obvious. Jungkook missed Taehyung's small gestures that gave away that, to some extent, he cared about Jungkook.

But Jungkook couldn't know when Taehyung would come back. He had been gone for months now and Jungkook hadn't heard from him since Jimin had sent him that message about Taehyung having come to visit them. When Jimin had told him about his relationship with Yoongi he had mentioned having been gone for months at one point because he had gotten a little lost on the way back to Yoongi.

He couldn't know when Taehyung would be back, so he focused on busying himself in the meantime. Which was why, when Eunji told him that she had been invited to a houseparty and was considering going, Jungkook decided to join. He really had to get back to meeting new people.

Maybe he would even end up meeting someone he clicked with that way... and if not someone he clicked with then maybe someone to hook up with. Just because Seohye hadn't been able to give him what he was craving didn't mean no one else could. Even if it didn't fill the part of Jungkook that was craving a relationship, maybe at least it could satisfy his craving for touch.

"You're planning to get someone to hook up with, aren't you?" Eunji asked, scanning up and down his clothes when Jungkook joined her on the playground a few houses down from the place the houseparty was at.

"Where did you get that idea from?" Jungkook teased her, very well aware of the way he looked right now. He had actually bothered to style his grown out hair and swipe it back for today, as well as getting some proper clothes instead of the constant wide hoodies and sweatpants he liked wearing when he went to uni. Jungkook liked his comfort but he also knew that people didn't like the way he looked when he was comfortable as much as they did the way he looked when he was actually styling himself.

"I don't know. Maybe those black earrings, that very open blouse... Like, I can see your chest and almost your tits, and those pants. They don't leave much to imagination either." Eunji shook her head in disapproval. "You're not selling your character. You're selling your looks and dick." She clicked her tongue in disapproval and Jungkook couldn't help grinning.

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