Chapter 75

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Chapter 75


"Sorry. I don't have any time today either. We can chat about how the world is going to shit another day." Jungkook quickly slipped past the guy who sometimes stood on the street and tried talking to people about climate change, all the things they were supposed to change about themselves, and where they were meant to donate. Jungkook was quite aware of how wrong things were going around the world, but when it came to details the guy was spouting a lot of bullshit and the companies he wanted Jungkook to donate to... were a mess. Jungkook doubted any of his donations would even get remotely close to actually helping anyone.

And of course, the man absolutely didn't react well to being told that, so Jungkook kept trying to avoid him. But that wasn't the only reason he was in a hurry. Since Jungkook had been going back to uni and he didn't want to drag Taehyung along with him every time, he had gotten the siren a phone.

And since Taehyung couldn't communicate using text, his understanding of letters was still pretty lacking, they instead used emojis for communication, and if anything urgent happened Taehyung could call him. Taehyung hadn't called him, but he had sent Jungkook some worrisome emojis. Mostly confusing, but Jungkook had a bad feeling about this.



The second message Jungkook knew the meaning of. That one Taehyung was supposed to send when Jungkook needed to get home. The first one on the other hand was a complete mess, but Jungkook was very concerned. Apparently, Tae had gotten into a sword fight that hadn't ended well, according to him.

Increasingly stressed Jungkook unlocked the door to his apartment, expecting to see... honestly, he didn't know. He was just scared of all the possibilities of what he could see. Instead, the moment he opened the door Tuna greeted him, rubbing against his leg and purring. That at least seemed like a good sign. He also didn't spot any of the promised blood.

Once he had slipped out of his shoes he leaned down and picked Tuna up, who was still purring loudly. The cat meowed in protest but let herself be carried into the apartment.

"Taehyung? Everything okay?" Jungkook called, still worried. He heard a thud from the bathroom, then another weird noise, and then a whooshing sound he had a hard time identifying. Alarmed he walked up to the bathroom and opened the door, not knowing what to expect at all.

What did greet him was probably the thing he had last expected to see. The bathroom... was simply his bathroom, looking the same as always. Taehyung had lifted his head from where he was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, the water running.

"You... is everything okay?" Jungkook put Tuna down on the floor and the cat quickly moved over to Taehyung's feet, rubbing against them, clearly asking for pets.

Taehyung looked a little caught. "Yeah... I'm okay." His brain was clearly working as he stared at Jungkook in silence.

"What... are you doing?"

Jungkook nodded towards the bathtub. It wasn't filled yet. Not even plugged. The water just went straight down the drain.

"That..." Was Taehyung looking for an excuse? What the hell had those sword emojis meant? "A bath. I want to take a bath." Taehyung nodded to himself, content with the excuse he had found.

Jungkook gasped. "Wait, are you lying to me right now? I thought sirens couldn't lie."

"Oh, we can. We just don't because it's not something that would make sense in our culture."

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