Changkyun Calms A Beta

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It wasn't like Jun to stress about things.

That's what Changkyun had noticed about the Beta.

But there the Beta was, pulling his hair as stressful tears filled his eyes.

Changkyun whined, causing the Beta to turn towards him.
"Changkyun...I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were there." Jun suddenly straightened up, forcing a smile.

Changkyun whined again.
"Don't do that. Don't force yourself to be something you're not."

Jun's smile dropped.
"I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize." Changkyun was quick to reassure the Beta.

"You're stressed and anxious. What's wrong?" The Omega asked.

"Wonho, he...he got sick because of me."

Changkyun cocked his head, confused.
"Wonho is in the hospital because he has a chest infection. How is that your fault?"

"He wouldn't have gotten sick if I didn't ask him to walk to the grocery store at ten at night in the pouring rain! I should have gone by myself." He sniffled.

Changkyun gave the Beta a small smile.
"Being out in the rain doesn't cause a chest infection, Pup. We'll wait for Hyunwoo, Seokjin and Mark to return from the hospital to tell us whats going on, okay."

Jun sniffled, but nodded.

"You're a good Pup, Pup." Changkyun kissed the Beta's forehead.

Changkyun dragged the stressed Beta to the nesting room.

"Lay down, It's going to be okay. Just relax." Changkyun curled his body around Jun's.

He kissed the Beta on the forehead.
"Go to sleep. I'm right here."

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