Injured Jeongin Meets The Ateez Pack

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Jeongin held one hand to his bleeding nose, ignoring as the blood dripped onto the ground.

He held his phone in his clean hand...he should probably ring one of his Pack members...

He sighed, pocketing his phone. 

He can't ring anyone. Who does he think he is?

He's not the youngest anymore.

He's not the baby.

Whose going to care, just because he couldn't defend himself.

Jeongin got up on wobbly legs, one hand on the wall to steady himself.

He gasped, wrapping an arm around his ribs.

"Why me?" He whined.

Jeongin paused, sliding to the ground, as he heard footsteps coming towards him.

"Can you smell that, Hyungs? I smell blood...and an Omega in distress."

"Wooyoung, don't run off!"

"Wooyoung! Get back here, you little shit!"

Jeongin burried his face into his hands as he heard foot steps stop in front of him.

"Hyungs, over here!" The person Infront of Jeongin called out.
"Pup...hellooo. can you hear me?"

Jeongin knew the person Infront of him was an Omega. He could tell by the scent.

"You're hurt. Here, let my Beta look you over. Over here, San-Hyung, 'Hwa-Hung! I found the Omega!"

Jeongin looked up to see the Omega, a smile spread over his lips.
"San-Hyung will help you!"

Jeongin whined, causing the Omega to frown and whine back in response. 

A Beta and second Omega came into view.
"Step back, Woo." The Beta said, pushing Wooyoung back as he stepped closer to Jeongin.

"Hi, can you uncover your hand from your nose." He said, holding up an unused hankey.

Jeongin looked to the other Omega, the tall one...he was holding back, what was his name 'Wooyoung'?

He looked back to the Beta.
"My name is San. The taller Omega behind me is Seonghwa, and Wooyoung is the other one. Let me help you stop that nose bleed."

Jeongin gave a slight nod, the Beta was quick to help.

"What else hurts, Pup?" San asked.

"My ribs." Jeongin whispered.

San nodded.
"Keep this against your nose." He ordered, letting go of the hankey once Jeongin had a hold of it.

He lift Jeongin's shirt up.

Seonghwa hissed with sympathy, as  Wooyoung whined loudly.

San frowned.
"Where is your Pack? Do you live close by?"

Jeongin looked away from him.
"I don't want to tell them...I'm not the youngest anymore..."

Wooyoung cocked his head.
"Why does it matter if you're the youngest or not? You're still a valid part of your Pack..." Wooyoung looked to Seonghwa beside him.

Seonghwa sighed.
"I'll call Hongjoong to come pick us up in the car."

San nodded.
"I'll be able to treat these wounds properly at home."

It was only about fifteen minutes later when Jeongin smelt an Alpha coming towards them.
He gripped the Beta's wrist as he panicked.

The Beta gave a small smile.
"That's just the Alpha of our Pack."

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