Frightened Omegas, Worried Pack.

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Changkyun curled his body around the youngest, trying to keep the rain off of him.

"Kyunnie Hyung..." Jeongin sniffled.

Changkyun whined.
"I know, baby. I'm sorry."

They had left the house, going to the shops for a few essential items.

Changkyun didnt expect Jeongin to get bailed up and harassed by a group of Alphas.

He took his eyes off the Pup for a second.

Only a second.

They couldn't get home.

Too scared to leave their hiding spot.

Too disorientated to walk in the dark and rain.

They didn't take their phones. They were only meant to be gone a little while.

But it's been several hours.

They could hear their Pack's voices calling out their names.

But both Omegas were too scared to call out to them.

The voices started to get closer.

"Oh my God. Hyunwoo! Seungcheol! Over here!" Changkyun recognised his Pack member's voice.

But he still curled further around his Pup.

"Hyung...are you okay? Are both of you okay?"

It was Yugyeom.

Changkyun's Pup.

Changkyun whined, shaking his head.
"It's my fault. I took my eyes off him."

He felt Jeongin's shoulders shake as he started to cry again.
"It's not." His voice cracked.

Yugyeom looked between the two.
"What happened?" He panicked.

The smell of Alphas asulted Changkyun's nose.

He growled protectively, pulling Yugyeom towards him, making the younger boy trip over.

"It's just Hyunwoo and Seungcheol, Hyung." Yugyeom whispered with confusion.

"Alphas." Changkyun growled, throwing his legs over the Omegas.

"Changkyun! Thank god you're okay! Where is Jeongin?" Seungcheol asked anxiously.

"He's here Hyung. I think something happened with an Alpha-" Yugyeom started to say before Changkyun growled again.

"Alphas. Six of them. They..." He whined, burrying his head into Jeongin's neck.

"It's okay, Hyung, you protected me."

The Alphas and Yugyeom didn't need the situation spelt out for them. They understood.

Hyunwoo swore as he ran a hand down his face.
"Okay, my Pups. Lets get you home." He stepped towards the Omegas, causing Changkyun to whine.

"Call Jeonghan and Kihyun. Maybe Changkyun will trust them."

Seungcheol nodded, taking out his phone.

He rang Jeonghan, telling him where they were and to come quickly with Kihyun.

Jeonghan and Kihyun ran down the ally several minutes later, towards them.

"Kyunnie..." Kihyun sighed, pulling the three Omegas (Changkyun still had a tight grip on Yugyeom and Jeongin) into a hug.

"C'mon, Pups. Let's go." Jeonghan gave a warm smile.

Changkyun reluctantly left the two younger Omegas in Kihyun's care as Jeonghan helped him to his feet.

Hyunwoo and Seungcheol rang the rest of the Pack as they walked.

The two Omegas were safe, It was time they all got out the rain and went home.

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