Felix & Kai Cuddles

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Felix wrapped himself tightly around the youngest Omega.

He forgave Kai after everything that had happened. Of course he did.

He couldn't stay mad at anyone for long, and he definitely couldn't hate anyone.

"I'm sorry again for what I said, Felix-Hyung." Kai whispered into the older Omega's neck.

Felix smiled.
"I promise, it's okay. I forgive you."

"You shouldn't...you were so sad and hurt because of me..." Kai whined.

Felix rubbed his nose against Kai's.
"Want to watch a movie?" He asked, changing the subject. 

Kai nodded. 

Felix pulled away from the cuddle, pulling out his laptop and setting it up.

"What movie do you want to watch?"

Kai shrugged.
"Something fun."

Felix smiled, nodding. He put on a movie.
"Lay down, Pup."

Kai complied.

Felix didn't hesitate to tackle the taller (yet younger) Omega.

Kai grunted, but chuckled.
"Thanks, I'll never be able to breath the same again. I think you punctured my lungs." Kai faked injury.

Felix giggled.
"You're okay. You're a tough boy."

Felix was quick to rearrange how they were laying.

Kai was tucked under his chin (at an awkward angle so they could still see the movie).

"You can sleep here with me in my bed tonight." Felix said as Kai let out a yawn.

Kai shuffled closer to the other.
"Will Wonwoo be okay with me in your guys room?"

Felix nodded.
"Of course he will be, we're Pack, after all."

The two Omegas fell asleep not long after.

Wonwoo entered the room, smiling at the sight.

He shut Felix's laptop down, then ran his fingers lovingly through the boy's hair.

"Sweet dreams, Pups." He whispered in not the dark room. 

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