despair girls theater 10: recreation

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Kasumi- IM DONE READING THIS DUMB BOOK! *throws book*

Seina- hey guys WOAH! Who threw a book!?

Ritsu- ask kasumi.


Utsuro- more chapter and we are finished. Then we move danganronpa redemption academy.

Narumi- question? How is chapter 6 gonna be?

Utsuro- Ummmm....*flips through the script* I have no clue.

Kou- How about a simulation? Like a virtual world?

Akira- that's gonna take us hours to make a Virtual world. And plus, we are plagiarizing danganronpa v3 chapter 4 and sdra2 chapter 6.

Kou- oh.

Rei- I got one. How about.....the Phoenix foundation breaks in the school, saves the students from the execution, since it failed. And then-

Utsuro- save it. I have an idea. We are going to use Rei's idea. And thanks to iroha who heard us and sketched out the whole scene, this will be the perfect scene for how the school will be.

Akeru- Say? Is there suppose to be a student who was dead at the beginning, be alive later on?

Utsuro- I think so..... but gave me an idea.


Ritsu- say.....where's marin?

Akria- Marin is on vacation. It was her birthday on June 1st, so I booked her  a trip to the Bahamas. And saiji's birthday was on june 10th, so he was spending time with maiko.

Ritsu- Summer is coming soon......are we gonna take any breaks?

Utsuro- depends......If i say yes.

Ritsu- I DONT WANT TO BE IN THE STUDIOS EVERYDAY! It's hot, and there's like, 62 people in here!

Seina- dont worry ritsu. Soon we are gonna have some days off. Right?

Utsuro- I mean.......we for some reason, lived next to a beach and a pool. So you guys could go next door and have fun.

All- *Runs out*

Utsuro- *sigh*

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