Despair girls theater: the final act

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Everyone started a quarrel and begin to destroy studio's despair. Akira being a asshole, then set the whole thing on fire. And now....let see where they are at now.

4 weeks later.............


Saiji- same here.

Maiko- im stressed.

Kasumi- i could finally film again!

Utsuro- nah, you gone get ready after the final trial and epilogue.

Kasumi- Damn.

Narumi- Now that studios depair is finsihed. Lets get to filming!

Utsuro- And to those people in danganronpa redemption academy, YOU BETTER GET READY! We gonna shoot in a few hours!

3 hours later after filming the final class trial and the  epilogue...........

Narumi- *sniffs* beautiful...........

Takuya- HUMANITY!! *Drops to floor*

Akeru- Now im done with fliming, HEY BESTIE WANNA GO TO THE MALL!

Kizuna- AH HELL YEAH!!!

Mitch- Hey guys, im back from the Olympics

Kizuna- mitch we saw u in the brazil vs japan. You suck!

Mitch- for your information, we won!

Osamu- guys, i have a question. If there is an wheel that will decide our fate, how will it go?

Kazuki- well......................

Osamu- Protagonist is chinami first victim is ryo, killer is takuya. Second victim is kanade, second killer is nico. Third and fourth victim is akeru and kizuna. Third and killer is me. Fourth victim is Mitsunari, fourth killer is chinami. New protagonist is setsuka. Fifth victim is kanjiro. Kanjiro killed himself.  Mastermind is setsuka. Survivors are kazuki, hibiki, yuuto, mitch and kana.

Utsuro- damn.

Chie- Mr utsuro. We are ready!

Utsuro- FINALLY!! BUT LETS PARTY FOR THE FINALE OF The second fangame!

3 hours later of drinking champagne.......

Yuki- ready.

Kasumi- Im definitely ready to return!!!

Chinami- is gonna film?

Kanjiro- i can.

Kana- I wanted to do it. But since ur doing it, im gonna go to Hawaii.


Kanjiro- ok. Is EVERYONE ready!?!

Yuki- we are ready.

Kanjiro- OK. WE ARE ROLLING IN 3.....2.....1....ACTION!

The end(for real)

Author note: hey guys. You guys reached the end of danganronpa the repeated sides of hope and despair. Next fangame will be danganronpa redemption academy. I hope u enjoyed this story😁

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