Chapter 6

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Karina POV

"Now try to play it on your own"Winter said and let go of my hand.I played the chord like what she just did.

"Good.Now it sounds better."she said and took her bag and heading to the exit door.

"Winter wait!"I said.I need to tell her my main point joining this club.

She turned around and raised her eyebrows.

"I-I want to tell you something"I said while rubbing my hand.I heard she sighed

"That is your reason why you want to join this club aren't you?"she asked me in a cold tone.I gulped and look at her.I just nodded and turn my head low back.

"Well...lets make a deal"she said.I then look at her with a shining eyes.This is the chance.

"If you passed this final audition,I will listen for what you wanna say"she said while putting her hand in the pocket.

"Really?!"I said while smilling widely.

"But if you failed,leave me all alone and never show up.Deal?"

"Alright.But if I passed,you have to do what I ask for"I said while smilling proudly.

"Deal"she then left.I then jumped with happiness.Good it worth my energy.I continue to pack my thing and left also.

Karina house

"She really said that unnie?"Giselle said while looking at me...speechless

"I told you I was good at this"I then laugh like a kid who just got a bucket of candies.

"But did you know how to passed the audition unnie?"Ningning said while eating the donuts that my mom make for us.

"I am still thinking about that.It is okay.Just a piano wouldn't make it
hard for me AHAHAHA"I laugh again and they just shook their head.

The final audition

" is your turn"I heard Soobin calling out my name.

Fuhh you can do this Karina come on.

I then step out and sit to play the piano.I take a quick glance and saw Winter sitting at the back while looking at me.I gulped and start playing.It is a ballad song that I have learn for the past 5 days without sleep.I guess people can see how dark my eyelids is.I will make sure my effort would be pay off.That Yuna girl still disturbing me.

After finished playing the song I then looked at the audience and they clap their hands.

"Good job Karina!nice performance"Soobin said while clapping his hand.I smiled and went back to my sit.I take a look at Winter and grinned at her.She just rolled her eyes and look at her phone back.

"Alright now....we have the result that which student that passed the final audition and here is the list of the names"Soobin then clip it on the board.All of the student start to look at the paper.I try to search for my names....

Come on Karina you have to have to!

I then saw my name at the last list


I dial Ningning's phone number and called her.

"Ningning I passed the audition!!!"I said and jumped happily like a kid.

"That is good unnie!!!I am so happy for you...wait I will tell Giselle unnie"

"Alright I have to go now...I need to find Winter"I then hung up and look around.There is some student that already left because they failed the audition.I then went to the table that are full with junk food.

"Yeji...why is the table is full with junk foods?"I asked Yeji who is writing something on the paper.

"Ohh that is the gift that Winter's fans give this is normal actually hehe"she said while giggling.

I just replied with an "ooo"

"You can eat it tho.She never touch or eat it,instead she let us to have it"add Yeji.

"Ahh okay...I will go first"I said.She nodded while smiling.I then go to the table and take a look at the junk food.

"Wahhh there is a lot of nice junk food.Let see....banana milk!!!"I then take and drink it.I smiled and giggle a little because of happiness.

"Having someone's drink huh?"I then turn around and saw Winter.I choked my banana milk but luckily not that bad.

"I-I"I stutter because of her looked.

"I what?"she step toward me a little.

"Y-Yeji told me that you didn't like I was hungry...and have some banana milk...."I said while looking down.My voice sounds so scared.

"Tell me...the thing that you want to say"she said and crossed her arm.I take a look at her with a shinning face.Her voice sounds more soft than before.

"I....I need your help...Winter"

"What help?"

I take a deep breath before continue my word

You can do this Karina!

"I need become my fake girlfriend"I closed my eyes after told her that.I was too scared to look at her.

"Deal"she said and turn around but before she could, I hold her arm and said

"You don't want to ask me why?"


I sigh and looked at her...annoying this time

"Because for the past 2 weeks I have been chased by a psycho fangirl who love to do weird things"I said while sipping my banana milk.

"And why is that person have to be me?"

"Because.....I don't know either...but please help me get over that girl"I beg her with my puppy eyes.I saw that her face become more blushing?

"You are not straight?"

"Yah!of course I am straight...I like just my friend's you already agree right?"I said again with a cute voice.She didn't say anything but take one more banana milk next to me and a sandwich.She went to a table and sit on the chair.

"I thought she didn't eat those"I said while continue sipping my banana milk.

"Yah I need your answer Winter"I said while walking toward her.She look at me and pass the sandwich.

"Read it"she said and left the room.

"What the...."I then read what she wrote

Go outside the room and turn left

"Why is she too complicated urghhh"I then bring my banana milk and went outside like she said.

"Turn left..."I then walk to the left side and suddenly a hand pull me and the first thing I saw is Winter.

She pass me the banana milk this time and took mine.

"H-heyy that is mine-"before I could finish my word she took a sip of it.

I then felt my face burning like it is so hot.

"Yahh t-that is m-mine"I said.

She then make her face closer to me and said

"I know...and you are mine"she then left me speechless at here who are red as tomato.

"Don't forget to read it miss tomato!!"she scream while walking away.

"W-what the...."after that I read the messages that she wrote

"Don't forget to eat the sandwich and this banana milk...and also don't forget that you are mine now...only mine"

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