♧Chapter 5♧

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《Noor's POV》

Sighing in relief, I held Habib's hand in a firm grip then headed towards my scooter to set off for home. Unfortunately, it started raining and by the time we reached home our clothes were drenched.

"N-noow I'm c-cold!" her teeth chattered while her small frame shook. I'd tried to shield her from the rain but my clothes weren't water proof. Habib sprinted inside the house quickly towards her bedroom while I searched around for mother and step father, Mr. Singh.

Barely had I shuffled towards the sitting room when I saw her embelishing it with flowers, small lights and some other decorations but her back was facing me. I slowly approached her then saw a big banner on the wall saying; 'ALLAH THANK YOU FOR WEDDING OFF MY DAUGHTER!'

The stool she was standing on wasn't stable and I feared anytime she might trip. Before I could say anything, I heard her crying while she stared at her work. Guilt was laced on her face which brought tears in my eyes too.

I dashed to my room without her noticing my presence then sobbed in my pillow while punching it to let all my emotions out. Mother isn't happy about my arranged marriage then why can't they cancel it?!

I screamed in my pillow crying and didnt know when sleep took over me but I wished to wake up in America when all this was just a nightmarish dream.


《Fayd's POV》

As soon as we arrived, Husnah gave her shopping bags to one of the maids. When she saw Kira the head maid, they glared at eachother. I wonder why the two detest eachother.

Husnah ignored her disdainful looks by continuing her way upstairs. "Tsk!" Kira clicked her tongue, "such a spoilt child." She shook her head in disgust before turning to leave. Her face still held a sneer so I shrunk in fear when her gaze met mine. She's a tough lady for her age so I make sure I don't cross her. She left then I sighed in relief.

Sauntering towards my parents room, a ripple of laughter welcomed me while I pushed the door without knocking.
My eyes widened in shock when I saw my mom sitting on dad's lap blushing at whatever he was whispering in her ear.

I looked at the wall then cleared my throat. Mom jumped and giddily smiled at me while dad sat silently embarassed. "Asallamu aleikum Fayd," mom said.

"Walekum musallam," I replied and frowned when my gaze me fine garments laying on their bed, "Whats with the clothes?"

"Oh!" her face lit up with unusual excitement," this is for your niqah!" Dad squeezed my shoulder then I smiled. They finally understood my love for Husnah.

(NB:Niqah/Nikkah is marriage in Islam)

"When is it?" I asked.

"Tomorrow," mom sang. Yes! I hugged her, "Thank you." and she was taken back by it I dont know why.

"Oh! I didn't expect you to take it lightly but since you accept the idea then so be it!" mom's cheery voice echoed in room while I pulled back with a frown.

"Why would I reject it when I love her?"

Dad looked at me with confusion, "how can you love someone you've not yet met?" What are they talking about?
Thats when realisation hit me. I'm not marrying Husnah!

"You're meeting the girl tomorrow," mom explained.

"I'm not marrying Husnah?" As soon as those words left my lips, mom froze while she looked at me shock stricken.


"Habibi?" dad touched her cheek. She didn't move which aroused panick in us.

(NB: Habibi is an Arabic word to mean darling, dear)

"Mom say something!" her eyes just rolled inside her head before she fell limp in dad's hands and passed out.

We didnt delay in rushing her to the hospital. The doctor checked her then told us it was a result of shock. Dad drowsed off in the couch while I looked at her wishing she wakes up.

My eyelids became heavy but before I could nap too, I saw mom's eyes opening. She looked at me with disappointment and hostility.

"Mom how are you feeling?" she just looked away from me as if I'm a disgrace.

"I thought I raised you better," her voice held anger and pain, "but I guess I was wrong."

"But mom-"

"Astaghfirullah!" she said regretfully, "Don't mention anything about Husnah. She's your sister and thats final." I stood up furious.

{Astaghfirullah- I seek forgiveness from Allah}

"Would you rather I marry a stranger than my childhood friend?"

"To me she's like a daughter which makes her your sister," her voice held frustration.

"I'm not marrying this stranger," I stated.

"If you want me dead, reject this proposal," her voice calm but dangerous astounding me. Mom looked angry and scary so I was taken back because she has never threatened me in my life so it was foreign to me.

My mouth opened and closed then I fell silent for some time not knowing what to say.

"I'll marry her but expect nothing from this marriage neither love nor an heir," I gritted my teeth glaring at the wall. Dad jolted from his sleep and frowned when he felt the tension in the room despite our silence. I didn't spare him a glance before I slummed the door shut leaving the hospital.

My heart was racing while I tried to calm myself down. I drove home and did something I've never done before, drank alcohol which I know is haram in Islam.

The liquor burnt my throat while I tried to savour its bitter taste. My nose scrunched up when its strong smell filled the air. I wonder what the manufacturers put in this stuff. I don't know whether this will be my last.


Heya! How are y'all? I hope you are all alright. Any hoo how is the book? How are you liking it so far?

Thank you all that read my work may God bless you please. Remember any comment is welcomed amd idea for the plot for i would be happy to learn from all of you out there for the bible says 'iron sharpens iron'

Dont forget to comment n vote! Love you all. MUAH!♡♥

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