Chapter 13

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[Fayd's pov]

          I kept stealing Noor glances while she looked outside the window silently. When lessons at the uni ended, Aman and I found her shivering with too much fear evident in her eyes as if something or someone had frightened her. She's been stressed the passed few days and I didn't want to stress her more with my coldness. When we reached the familiar road, I added more speed catching a glimpse of the marine drive not far. 

        The marine drive is one of the beautiful places in Mumbai, India and is my special place for clearing my thoughts. The sun had set and the sea was calm so we sat on the concrete floor and took in the beautiful furry glowing ball that was disappearing in the West. We weren't the only ones that had come to the place but chuckles escaped my lips when I saw Noor's expression, awe and surprise visible. She stole me a glance then I saw her cheeks red despite the hijab.

        The yellow lamp posts were shining brightly giving the place a magnificent view while it darkened then caught a glimpse of a family on our left. The man was hugging his pregnant wife  with adoration and a little girl who was jumping around with enthusiasm reminding me of Habib. The sight was heart warming that it made me want something like that with Noor.   She stood up then smiled at the sea removing her slippers. 

       "Noor what are you doing?"


        "Look at me," I cut her off and she gulped before raising her head. My gaze softened when I met her brown eyes, naive and innocent. 

         "I want to feel those rocks with my feet," she pointed at the star shaped rocks that where stopping the Arabian sea from flooding the road. The night was kind of chilly so she shivered a bit although she tried not to.

         "The tetra-pods?" I asked and she frowned confused.

         "Is that what they're called?"

         "Yes but you'll catch a cold," I replied then her face fell yet I wanted to lift her spirit.


         "We'll come back next time if you want," with that her face lit up then her gaze wandered to the sea and was drowned in her thoughts. After some minutes of silence, I turned to her.

         "Hey can we?"

         Noor looked me curiously, "Can we what?"

         "Can we be friends?" silence is all I received as soon as I uttered so I got nervous. I knew this was a silly thought because I'd been rude to her of course she wouldn't want to be my friend. My lips opened to brush it off but she beat me up to it by smiling nervously with other emotions I couldn't decipher flowing in her eyes.

        "Friends," she shook my hand hesitantly before wrapping hands around herself adjusting her hijab due to the mild wind that was blowing along the shore. A comfortable silence occupied the atmosphere but not long after we set off for home. I was glad though that I'd somehow relieved her worries.  


[Noor's pov]

       The next day I woke up feeling fresh and peaceful though I have no idea how I ended up in the bed maybe mother helped to carry me, maybe Husnah or Kira {no she hates me}....maybe Fayd no he wouldn't. Even though he agreed we be on good terms as friends, he wouldn't bother carry a sleepy me to bed. 

         I'm still cautious of his sudden change though. I got my musalah {praying mat} then prayed subuhi  before preparing myself. Fayd was no where and I guess he woke up a long time ago because his beddings that were folded in the couch weren't warm.

        'Bismillah hir Rahman Nir Raheem.' I recited breatheng in my palms then passed over my body placing today in Allah's hands. 

        {Bismillah hir Rahman Nir Raheem- I begin with the name of Allah , the Beneficent and Merciful} 

        I made my way down stairs and found the Khalids having breakfast which made me hung my head low in embarassment for waking up late. They smiled at me but I realised Husnah's seat was empty making me wonder while she's rarely home . My face became red wen I saw Fayd smiling at me before devouring my breakfast.

      Mother spoke, "By the way, you didn't go for your honeymoon." I choked on my milk having a hard time to breath. I felt force being applied on my back while I coughed. After some minutes of coughing,  she continued. 

     "Sorry about that," her face held concern, "I'd planned your honey moon and since your school break is around the corner, it'll be ideal for to spend some time together."

     "It's not bad," Fayd stated surprising me because I thought he didn't enjoy my company that much. 

      "Okay," mother smiled before turning to me expecting an answer. When I agreed, she told us to prepare because we'll be leaving this weekend. I gathered the utencils with other maids then went to the kitchen to help wash them but Fayd stopped me before I made it the far.

       "We're going somewhere." I was confused although he continued to pull me outside the house till we reached his car and he told me to enter. He drove in silence but my excitement rose when I saw the familiar waves of the Arabian sea ahead.  He'd brought me back to see the marine drive so I exited the car and sprinted towards the sand and removed my shoes to feel it.  The cool breeze blew my hijab causing me to smile oblivious of Fayd's stare. 

       The colliding sounds of the strong waves hit my ears while the sea salt smell filled my nostrils. I shuddered as soon as the cold water met my feet while I shuffled towards the sea wetting the hem of my harem pants.  A gasp of shock escaped Fayd's lips when I accidentally splashed water on him. My fear vanished when I saw mischief in his grey orbs then I knew he was going to attack so I turned in the opposite direction and tried to run....note tried. 

      I felt coldness in my back then I knew he'd splashed water on me. I quickly exited the sea and bolted towards the car because my clothes were now sticky and revealing my body which I didn't need in a crowded place with the opposite gender who aren't my husband. 

      "Noor?" I heard his worried laced voice behind me while I sat in the back seats shivering due to the coldness.


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