Chapter 14

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[Noor's Pov]

       Fayd's eyes flashed with recognition before he looked away quickly colour rising in his face. He checked at the back of the car and found something then threw it to me. A surprised gasp left my lips before I realised its a jacket...his jacket because his cologne was filling my nostrils. I hesitantly put it on then heard noises. My face lit up at the sight of happy people chasing and smearing each other coloured powder and it clicked that we were in the Hindus festival season called Holi. I admired it because seeing everyone happy and smiling warmed my heart. 

     I left the car clutching Fayd's jacket tightly around me and stared at the blissful people with awe. He followed behind quietly but when I glanced his way, I saw him buying paneer tikka and samosas. The festival had drowned me that I hadn't noticed Fayd's absence near me until I looked behind again only to find him kneeling on the ground clutching his chest his breaths coming out laboured as if in pain. He  looked around frantically , his frame visibly shaking while sweat building on his fore head and I knew something wasn't right.

    His reactions were similar to the ones last time at the cafeteria when he dislocated my arm which confused and scared me although I knew I had to help him. I cupped his cheeks as soon as I saw those eyelids dropping then they shot open and I was met by his grey eyes. They held too much fear and panic. 

  "Fayd look at me," I ordered softly before leaning his fore head against mine and I realised he's taller than me. The distance between us brought a foreign knot in my stomach but I ignored it and focused on him instead.

    "Noor," his voice came out strained and at that moment he looked like a lost little boy. I didn't know what his problem was but I was sure it had something to do with the crowd so I tried my best to distract him. 

     "I'm here," I smiled nervously in attempt to reassure him. My thumbs had a mind of their own because they were slowly caressing his hairy cheeks. When his breathing calmed down, we silently trode towards his car. He shut his eyes and sighed while I checked my purse then saw a  sweet and handed it to him. Fayd looked at me with brows knotted together confused but didn't say anything.

      "I eat when I'm stressed." I demurred lowering my hand that had started to ache. 

      "Shukran," he whispered in Arabic before pushing the sweet in his mouth. We sat in a suffocating silence but I froze in shock when I felt his slender fingers wrapping  around mine. He apologised then quickly withdrew them and looked outside the window anxiously tapping his foot.  My heart was racing now because I knew he needed comforting. I had to be kind because he'd been so the past few days by showing me the marine drive. Its looks like a special place and him showing me it I felt honored so I gathered myself and held his hand in mine awkwardly, the contact foreign and new to me adding more foreign knots in my stomach.

      {Shukran- thank you}

      Fayd looked at me with watery eyes tears threatening to spill and caught me off guard by pulling me into a hug. I grew stiff when he adjusted me on his lap and sniffled wetting the clothe covering my shoulder. W-was he....crying? Whatever brought tears in his eyes must be serious.  I tentatively raised my hand and soothed his back while he cried. Night soon fell after some hours of uS sitting in the car then I realised the Fayd was sleeping because his little snores echoed in the car while his minty breath fanned the side of my head. 

      When I tried to wiggle out of his arms, they tightened around me and he mumbled in his sleep but didn't wake up. My gaze went to his face and I took him in. He looked peaceful as if he had no worries while I hesitantly skimmed my fingers across his beard. I jumped when I felt his chest vibrating against me startled but later giggled. Atleast we're friends now.



MuslimahOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora