♧Chapter 9♧

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《Fayd's POV》

I pulled the car brake with fury then slammed the door causing Noor to flinch at the sound but I didnt care. This is all her fault, first I'm forced to marry her, second I have to baby sit her in her sleep, now this?!
School has always been my escape from all the drama at home but now I have to study with Noor at the same university. I glared at her while she exited the car adjusting her bag on her back.

The ring was dazzling on her ring finger angering me more. This girl has the nerve. Our arrival had already attracted attention from other students which I detested and Noor's attire wasn't helping either. Couldn't she just wear normal clothes like dresses other than burqa and hijabs?

As soon as we reached the hallway I removed her ring and kept it because I'm not planning on telling anyone at school that I'm married, hell no.
We took different ways since we had different lectures then I met my friend Aman talking to some lady student maybe a freshman.



The bell for break was rung so we all headed to the cafeteria with some acquintances while I tried to ignore the crowd because they always freaked me out.
I don't know why I'm agoraphobic but I hate every bit of it because I think its stupid.

My snacks were almost done until I felt a pat on my shoulder but when I turned, my gaze met Noor. Ugh!
Aman looked confused and suprised to see a new face talking to me. "What?" I asked harshly and she looked at me silently. The whole cafeteria had come to a standstill and all eyes were on us.

"Noor what is it?" I brought her out of daze.

"Can..I..uh talk to you?" she bent and whispered in my ear her scent filling my nostrils but I liked it to my surprise. Her action shocked the other students while they begun murmuring questions I'm not ready to answer.

'Wow, is she his girlfriend?'

'No I think his sister.'

'She's pretty though.'

'They don't have to be mushy in public!'

Harsh whispers continued while I started freaking out. My heart begun racing in my chest while sweat built on my forehead, a lump stuck in my throat and my phobia started kicking in. I held Noor's hand unconsiously trying to calm down.

"Fayd?" her soft voice called out but it seemed distant so I shook my head alittle trying to clear my head, "Fayd?" this time Noor's voice came out as a whimper.

"Fayd you're hurting her!" Aman's voice snapped me out of my head with the panic it held then I realised what I'd done. Everyone was looking at us with shock etched faces while Noor whimpered in agony supporting her now swollen dislocated hand on her chest looking at me with fear and tears in her eyes making my heart to ache a bit.

"Noor-" she took a step away from me almost tripping on her hareem pants. "I'm sorr-" she bolted off before I could finished leaving me with the crowd. I would have said something rude to them but I had no energy to do so. I just exited the cafeteria feeling anger now because I didn't mean to crush Noor's hand. Anyway its her fault for burging into my life.

When I entered the hallway, I was shoved onto the wall by Aman who looked angry for reasons I don't know.

"Fayd what was that?"

"It was an accident no need to dwell on it," I replied nonchalantly trying to escape his grip but he didn't budge.

"Who is she?" I frowned at his curiosity but answered him anyway.

"My sister," I lied.

"How come?" Aman asked skeptically not buying a thing I've said.

"She's an illegitimate daughter," I continued with my lie but he still didn't buy it even when he let me go. "Why-" his question was cut off by the Imam's summon for duhuri.  (Afternoon prayers)

The school was kind enough to cater for most religions because it offered Muslims a room for dua, Hindu went to the near by temple while some other religions used the campuss compound.

My mind was still worried about Noor. I hope she's alright.


Heya! Oh poor Noor  :-( :O

Any way thank you who read. Sorry for any error.

Dont forget to vote please. love yall Muah♡♥

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