♧Chapter 7♧

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《Noor's POV》

Mother barged into my room hastily and told me to change my clothes. At first I was confused but it clicked that today is my nikkah, Ya Allah! She quickly applied my make up then dragged me outside towards the sittingroom.

"Hurry up you stubborn girl!" she pinched my arm and I hissed in pain before hastening my steps. My head hung low due to nervousness so the only thing I saw were other people's feet including my husband and his family of whom I have no idea.

Some of my cousins had also attended. My heart raced when I saw feet approaching me but I made no attempt of raising my head to face the person, Ya Allah!
Sparks erupted on my skin when a hand raised my chin and I was stunned when my gaze met those familiar grey eyes that held the same shock I felt.


We spoke at the same time. Who'd expected I'd be arranged with a stranger I met at the mall? Allah is really considerate beacuse Fayd seems to be good hearted.

"You've met before?" an unfamiliar voice broke our daze. My gaze met an elderly lady with American  features clad in a hijab and dress which caused me to frown in confusion. She resembled Fayd yet she's not Indian and they shared grey eyes. There was an elderly man next to her both smiling at me warmly which made me blush in embarassment for staring.

"Asallamu aleikum," I whispered softly.

"Wallekumusallam," the lady replied, "do you know my son?" So she's my mother-in-law, weird.

"We met at the mall but we didn't talk much," Fayd explained his eyes not leaving me as if I'm some specimen under study.

"Oh, thats great! You'll get along well then!" my mother-in-law said happily. I was still wondering why she's American and the rest are Indian. Fayd's gaze didn't stray away from my face but what confused me was his eyes held fury.

Is he bipolar or something?

Mother tagged my hand and motioned us to the dining room. The elders were going on well while I fidgeted nervously sitting next to Fayd. Mom and I had prepared different dishes for the guests in the morning and I was happy they seemed to be enjoying.

The laddu sweets reminded me of my American friend Derek because I'd promised to take some for him when I went back. Habib couldn't suppress her enthusiasm while she insisted that Fayd should feed her which saved me from his now and then glares.

After eating, I went to my room to pack my clothes since I'm married now. I'm now a wife, a Khalid and no longer have to live in my parents' house. "Mrs Khalid," I whispered to myself while packing my stuff. Glancing about my room that I'll miss, I sighed then turned to leave.

I bumped into a hard chest and a familiar cologne met my nostrils causing my eyes to widen in fear and shock.....Ibin. My body froze when his hand wrapped around my frame his lips pecking my head.
What is he doing here? How did he enter?

I quickly extended away from his hold which caused his eyes to flash in anger. "Why are you backing away from me," he asked coming towards me.

"Ibin stop," my voice came out as a whisper while I shivered in fear.

"I'm here to see you angel and thats how you welcome me?" he asked smiling devilishly but my mind was working on how I'll escape him. A lamp post wasn't far away so I held it and hit it on his head then bolted for the door but I wasn't far enough because he yanked my hijab almost choking me and I hit the floor with a loud thud then a yelp  of pain escaped my lips.

My body started throbbing while warm tears rolled down my cheeks, "Ibin I'm married now we c-can't be together."

"You're mine angel. Why do you always forget that?" he said softly his rough hand caressing my cheek. He carried me on his lap then leaned towards my forehead and pecked it gently, "You're mine." he whispered.

Regret flowed through my veins at that moment. Ibin Saif was my childhood best friend and first boyfriend. Since it was haram for us to be together, we dated in secret. At first, he was sweet and caring but then after some time he became obsessed with me which was frightening so I tried to break up with him. Ibin refused and insisted he still loved me.

That was one of the reasons why I'd gone to America, to fulfill my art dreams but to also hide from him. When I returned to India, I thought he'd got over it but I was wrong. I guess I can't hide for long.


Whoa! Ibin-Noor- Fayd.... I hope Allah guides you dear.
Heya lovelies! i hope y'all fine. Thank you for keeping up with the Hassans and Khalids ↑↑↑↑.

God bless you all that read my bks. I hope am not boring you. Dont forget your camments are welcomed and votes.

See you in the next chapter! Muah♡♥

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