Chapter 17

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{Noor's pov}

       Last night, I didn't sleep well because my bedroom reminded me so much of Ibin's torture before my marriage....which isn't great either. The sun rays lit up my room as if telling me to wake up. I went to my bathroom got wuthu then prepared to pray. 

     After praying, I folded my musalah[praying mat] then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Yesterday I was surprised mother consoled me when I came home sobbing and she didn't ask as if she read my mind that I didn't  want to talk about it.

    We sat on the dining table but Habib couldn't take her eyes away from me. She looked at me as if trying to solve a difficult puzzle or crossword that needed lots of thinking.

   "Noow why are you sad?" she asked and I smiled pinching her chubby cheeks. I really missed hearing her voice. Mother sat there silently studying me too. Father[Mr. Singh] wasn't around, he was on a business trip so we were three on the dining table.

     "I'm not sad, don't you see my smile?" I said showng her all my teeth and she giggled.

     "Mother, I'll be leaving." I stood up then took all the dirty utencils and washed them. She nodded in reply then wished me good before bidding me a good bye.

     "Noow take Teddy bear," my little sister gave me her doll ,"when you feel sad,just pinch Teddy's cheeks and you'll remember me and smile."

   "Aww thank you." I knelt down to her level and pulled her in a tight hug. I felt tears welling up in my eyes when I realised I still have people who care about me. I bid them a good bye then set off. I boarded a taxi and went to the Khalid's mansion.

    I didn't want to leave but today was when Fayd and I go for the honey moon and I didn't want to disappoint my in-laws. As soon as I opened the door, mother-in-law stood there as though she was waiting for me.

    She looked relieved and she sent me a warm smile.

    "I'm sorry I didn't come home yesterday." I said fiddling with my fingers.

     "Oh its alright. Now go prepare." she said then I went upstairs praying not to encounter Fayd. I was still angry at him. When I heard movements in his bedroom, I didn't bother knock. I just went to another room to wait. I went to the dusty room and begun painting the portraits of the unknown girl on the wall silently.

     To my surprise, the door was pushed open. No one came to this room ever so I wondered who it was until my gaze met Fayd's stony one causing me to stand dread filling me.

    "What are you doing here?" he barked but I couldn't find a suitable reply so I remained silent.

    "Lets go," he held my wrist and begun dragging me out of the room as if my presence in there insulted him.

    "Fayd what are you doing?" I asked trying to remove his hand off mine getting irritated by his disrespectful behaviour . I thought he'll apologise but I guess I expected too much. Fayd pulled me until we reached his bedroom and he let go of my hand.

    "Don't ever go to that room again or anywhere near it," he snapped and I scoffed turning my back at him while packing my stuff. 

    "I'm...sorry," he spoke but the last part came out as whisper it almost missed my ears. What he said yesterday hurt me so I didn't reply, I just closed my suitcase and headed downstairs. My in-laws smiled when they saw us.

    "Did you apologise?" I heard mother-in-law asking Fayd.

     "I did but I guess some people don't forgive," he mumbled under his breath looking at me and I averted my gaze to my feet. Now he is making me look like the bad guy yet I'm the one who was offended.

      "Ouch!" I heard him hiss only to realise mother-in-law had slapped the back of his head but he looked silly with the pout on his lips so a smile subconsciously made its way on my face. 


[Fayd's Pov]

    I don't know why but I was glad Noor came back home. I felt bad yesterday after saying those words about her in front of the whole school but she left before I apologised. We set off for the honeymoon with the driver mom had hired to lead us there.

   Of course mom booked our reservation at this hotel. It was located near a beach and had a great view but its not what I expected. Her and dad had their honey moon here. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed exasperatedly. 

     Did she really have to plan our honey moon here? Noor on the other hand exited the car and her gaze swivelled around the area with awe. She was amazed by the scenic beauty of the place.

     "Is something wrong?" she stole me a nervous glance and I nodded my head no then we entered inside the enormous building. The hotel hosted different people from different areas including foreigner and many non-Indians were at the reception.

    After clearing everything, we got our room keys and entered the elevator but basing on Noor's unending foot tapping, I knew she was nervous.

   When we reached the floor where our room was, we left the elevator and walked down the hallway looking for the room number until we halted. I twisted the key in the door and it clicked open, leading us to an exquisite ensuite.

    The problem was it had only one bedroom,great. Noor placed her suit case on the bed and entered the bathroom to clean herself. I went to the sitting room and turned on tv while waiting for her to finish.

   I ordered for us something after sometime but she hadn't left the bathroom so I went to check whether she was alright.

   "Noor?" I knocked softly but received silence. "Noor are you in there?" I asked again with urgency this time and received silence. Ya Allah don't tell me she fainted?

   "Noor are you alright?" my bangs became loud while panic set in. Before I prepared to knock the door down, her sweet soft voice sounded.

    "I'm fine," she said then opened the door slightly and I sighed in relief. At least she's alright.

     "Then why did you not reply immediately? Do you know how I was worried?" I scolded slightly and she looked at me her face becoming red causing me to frown. "Are you-"

     "Uh-I-I -can you send me my towel?" she stammered her face rosy red causing my insides to flip.

    "Uh," I coughed looking away. "Ok."

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